Marbles Candle Holder


What you need are some Cats Eyes Glass Marble (buy here), a CD and instant adhesive (buy here). The result is very beautiful and impressive because the candle/the bulb lights glow(s) through the balls!

On the CD, stick the balls one by one. It is important to be instant adhesive, so the balls to stay stable!
Make three layers.
Allow the glue to dry for 5 minutes.

Good Luck!


  • made in italy design on said:

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  • Greg Reasor on said:

    Re Marble candle holder, this post should be removed immediately. Why?
    CAUTION! The CD used for the base is a flammable material, and a candle left unattended could burn to the end and inflame the base and table beneath. Suggest using a non-flammable metal or ceramic base

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