Here’s How You Can Use Your Dog’s Paw Print To Make A Beautiful Flower Painting

The lockdown caused by the coronavirus has forced people to become more and more creative and think about ways of making days go by faster.
Arts and crafts have proved to be very useful in this sense and getting crafty will improve not only your creativity but also your mood. If you want to make a unique painting for your home and are the proud parent of a dog, here is a cool way to co-create art.
You can paint your dog’s paws with animal-friendly paint and create paw art this way. Don’t worry if this all sounds very strange, you can actually use your dogs painted paws to make some cute flowers and display them after as a painting.
This was you will have a new artwork on your wall to which both you and your pet have contributed. The supplies you are going to need for this DIY project are non-toxic paint, paintbrush, paper, and your dog’s paw.
For inspiration, you can always look for the hashtag „dogpawpainting” on Instagram and find lots of cute ideas.


Paw Print Christmas Tree Keepsake

source: CraftyMorning

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