Measured Architecture has skillfully crafted a waterfront vacation home on Mayne Island, British Columbia, seamlessly merging contemporary building techniques with the rich history of centuries-old timber. The Shor House stands as a testament to the firm’s commitment to sustainable design, showcasing the potential of careful deconstruction and refurbishment of wooden buildings to extend the life-cycle of materials otherwise destined for landfill. The project has earned acclaim, receiving the 2023 Best New Future House Award from Global Design News and The Chicago Athenaeum Museum for Architecture and Design, underscoring its innovative approach to preserving history while embracing modern architectural practices.
Drawing inspiration from traditional Japanese architecture and the philosophies of renowned artists, the Shor House encapsulates a spirit of conservation. Much of the recycled lumber used in the project originates from the very site it now adorns, with the house and barn being carefully dismantled rather than demolished. This approach allows the patina of age and wear to infuse authenticity into the new structure, contributing to the narrative of sustainability. The project goes beyond the site, incorporating recycled materials from distant sources like yellow cedar ties from the Englewood Railroad on Vancouver Island and lumber from the former Turner Dairy in Vancouver. This meticulous sourcing of materials, coupled with the exclusion of drywalls in favor of repurposed exterior cladding, reinforces the Shor House as a pioneering example of a zero-take approach to recycling and sustainable architecture.