Artist Turns Used Tea Bags Into Miniature Canvases for Watercolor Paintings

Artist Ruby Silvious pays a lot of attention to the environment and recycling objects is a big part of her life. In 2015 she set up an art project with the goal of repurposing her old teabags and they resulted in the most beautiful canvases for her paintings.
The project is called 363 Days of Tea, and it has been followed by small side projects, such as Reclaimed Canvas: Reimagining the Familiar in 2019. The interesting part about Silvious’s works is that they are not planned, she simply goes with the flow and the feel of the moment, and her unique pieces have even been exhibited internationally.
She is working intensely on her upcoming exhibit this year, but until then you can follow Silvious on her website or on Instagram to see more of her retro-styled teabag paintings collection.

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