DIY Coffee Beans Art


When you start boiling water for breakfast’s energizer, the thought of coffee beans as a useful material for all kind of art and decoration projects doesn’t often cross your mind. With a little bit of glue and some canvas, you can too improve your interior design with some handmade articles. For instance, grab some patience and glue together the picture of a steaming coffee cup out of coffee beans. You can take it to a next level by attaching the beans directly on a coffee cup and impress your guests whenever they visit for a drink. If you feel artistic enough, you could build an entire cup from an unused small pot, some beans, a couple of vanilla sticks and glue. Do the same with for a picture frame. There are lots of ways you can make an impact on the way the home’s interior design feels. A coffee bean plated clock will tell the visitor there is always time for a coffee. Whatever your project will be, remember to use the material you like in the best way you can.


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