DIY Corner Cabinet Drawers


Setting up the perfect kitchen can be hard work, as there are a lot of details to be taken care of. The most common issue in every kitchen is the lack of space and storage units, so taking care of this problem is of utmost importance. But how can you make sure that you use all the available space? Well, a very cool and smart idea would be the creation of corner drawers. Since corners are sort of a death area, transforming them into drawers with lots of storage space can be a real bargain. By creating special drawers for corner cupboards, you can make your time spent in the kitchen more easy and stress-free. To learn more about how to create these special corner drawers, visit the link below and find out more about this great DIY project.











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  • Susan Brookins on said:

    I would like to be assured that the corner cabinets are completely secured from any way a pet could be trapped within that design. Our old house has the typical turnstyle corner cabinets. A sick cat found a way to get entrapped behind and under that cornerstone cabinet area. She couldn’t get out and we had no idea she was even in there. I can’t bear another horrible entrapment to happen. Please advise if this pictured design can be or already is entirely enclosed. Thank you.

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