Brilliant Ways To Use Five Gallon Buckets

A five gallon bucket may seem like a simple and plain piece of plastic or metal. Truth be told, this item can be transformed in a lot of other creative stuff, useful stuff! Just take a look at what the DIY world has managed to come up with. From toilet stool to manual washing machine, the five gallon bucket can be quite the tool. You could even turn it into a hydroelectric generator or a chic mini ottoman. Having problems with mice? No problem, the bucket mouse trap is easy to install and use. Chicken nests or waterer, potato or mushroom farms, all of these can be achieved with a bit of help from the DIY online community and a simple five gallon bucket. Explore the possibilities and good luck with trying any or all of these projects!

#1. How to Build a 5 Gallon Self Wicking Tomato Watering Container

more details here…

#2. We give you a look at a 5 gallon bucket project that makes an awesome camp sink

#3. Mouse Trap

more details here…

#4 Build A 5 Gallon Bucket Hydroelectric Generator

How To Build A 5 Gallon Bucket Hydroelectric Generator

More details here…

#5. DIY Porta Potty!

more details here…

#6. Five Gallon Bucket Washing Machine

more details here…

#7. Chicken Nesting Boxes

more details here…

#8. Growing Potatoes in 5 Gallon Buckets

Also you can grow potatoes in Potato Planter Bags. More details here…

#9. Chicken Waterer

This 5 gallon bucket waterer is bigger, cheaper, and cleaner than the metal feeders most people use. More details here…

#10. How To Grow Tomato Plants In Buckets

more details here…

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