Cooking Fry Bread, Navajo Traditions


If we take a look at the Navajo Traditions of the Native American people in the southwestern United States, we will discover that their diet is composed of fried bread and mutton, among other foods. They introduced mutton to their cooking traditions later on, in order to supplement and add variety to their diet, after starting to raise sheep and goats. Take a look at the video bellow and see how the Native American people are cooking two traditional foods in Monument Valley, an area part of the Navajo Nation.



13 Responses to “Cooking Fry Bread, Navajo Traditions”

  1. Glenn says:

    For the whole story on frybread and native peoples check out my book “frybread past,present and future”available at the littleowl gallery…over 200 recipes..several versions of how frybread became intwined with native cultures and the health issues it created among natives…also information on making frybread a healthier part of your diet

  2. Barbara says:

    Love to know more about the diet of the people. I’m going to have a go at fry bread I presume you just mix like instructions on yeast packet.

    • MamaJarly says:

      Fry bread actually doesn’t have yeast in it, traditionally. the leavener that is normally used is baking powder.

    • Lesa says:

      True frybread has no yeast. Though today you will find some recipes that call for yeast traditional frybread is basically flour, pinch of salt, and baking powder. Warm water is then used to make a dough. Frybread can be a little different from tribe to tribe however all the basic ingredients I’ve mentioned are the ones mentioned above. Some will substitute/add milk, condensed mild, or even powdered mild instead of just water. Most people say to eat it with honey or powdered sugar. I suggest however you should try it while it’s still hot or at least very warm with a lite sprinkling of salt. Frybread is especially good with dishes such as beans or any type of country style soups.

  3. Karyne says:

    Would love a healthier frybread

    • Kim Hutcheson says:

      This is a once in a while type of bread. When I was a kid, Mom would make like a dessert. We’d roll in powdered sugar or cinnamon and sugar.

  4. Claudia says:

    They do the same in Latin America, I remember them it is just a flour tortilla, deep fried and served with honey. 🙂

  5. Glec says:

    No yeast used…

  6. Jeanne Kasten says:

    I always heard that fry bread was never a part of their diet until the military moved in and started moving them off their land, and that was when they gave them white flour and little else to eat with it. A poor choice for nutrition and health, but it somehow stuck and became part of their world.

    • Dyan Lombardi says:

      I read the same thing and wouldn’t be surprised if it was true. In every instance, we have not dealt with the Native American peoples fairly or honestly.

  7. Kim says:

    Would like to know more about it

  8. Daniel Boone says:

    Not trying to be a downer here. But didn’t the Navajo and other Native Americans start eating this because the flour and other ingredients were given to them when they were regulated to reservations and weren’t allowed or couldn’t hunt there native food. Just saying.

  9. Yvette says:

    Frybread is just like homemade flour tortillas you can cook em on a comal or deepfry in a cast iron pan it’s the best make a lil hole in the center . We used to make em puffy n small not huge unless it was for bunelos my Grammy used to put syrup on em how I miss all that ..i dont make em but i know how if i had to

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