DIY Concrete Fire Pit


Making a garden look perfect doesn’t entail just adjusting it to fit visual standards during the day, but also in night time. A sure way to ensure guest at an event in your backyard feel a warm ambiance is to make a DIY concrete fire pit. This tutorial will help you achieve exactly that! Grab these materials for beginning:

• concrete mix;
• a 17-inch bowl;
• a 15-inch bowl;
• non-stick cooking spray;
• paint brush;
• large bucket;
• medium-duty masonry trowel;
• some sanding pad of 60-80 grit;
• a couple gel fireplace fuel canisters;
• a 14 and a half-inch replacement grill grate;
• a bunch of fire safe decorative stones;


Before starting the project, you must know that the dimensions shown here can handle some adjustments, if you want your fire pit to be bigger or smaller.  Read more details in the link below…

Modern Concrete Fire Pit From Scratch

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