Tiny Home Concept: Flatpack House


What would you say if we told you ‘you can build your own mini-home with 6.000 pounds in a week’s time`? A cheap house doesn’t necessarily mean cheap materials and lousy design. The Flatpack House shows that there is a realistic niche of people in the homebuilding sector who want both affordable and DIY structures. The wooden cabin supplied by Mark Burton’s company is similar to the whole IKEA concept. You do it yourself, assembling the whole thing when you desire, and without costing you your life savings. With this way of building, it’s your task to literally raise you home from the base up. Materials and full instructions are delivered to your address in a big package. Start unwrapping and begin building. Sizable enough to accommodate a teenager but at the same time of proper proportions to fit into a backyard, the mini-home gives you pretty decent living conditions in only a week of work. The classic wooden decor can be nicely complemented with a minimalistic interior design. See how one example of these looks from the outside and from the inside and be inspired to take the step and try to make your own Flatpack House.




build-deasy-tiny-home-3source: www.dailymail.co.uk


    • just pee in the sink and poop in a bag (which you seal off and put with the trash just like you would do with kittylitter) or do it outside if you feel disgusted by not being able to do it on a toilet.

  • willy renaud on said:

    I can built that little “hunting cabin” for way less then $9000….you cons!
    Can built it for $3780 out of the lumber yards in Ontario Canada and way better built then that thing you call a house!…….wow hopefully not too many people has more money then brains…………sorry about your luck chum

    • Evan on said:

      While it is probably true that you could build a house of similar, if not better, quality for less money, you have to take into account the fact that all of the materials are gathered for you and shipped to your destination. They also include instructions. All of this requires a lot of work. You are essentially paying for the materials as well as the gathering and shipping of said materials.

  • nice if a fire breaks out you’ll suffocate faster not having a window in your roof and your attic sealed off(in case of fire while waking up just jump out the window for minor injuries), with all those electrical appliances short circuiting below your bed you’ll be smoked and barbecued. also if you don’t have a heater creating smaller spaces will enable you to raise the temperature faster in the room of preference.

  • Very nice ! You can sleep and watch tv… But how do you wash, go to toilet, cook, keep your food fresh, cook and where can you tidy your clothes ?…

  • I guess I have a fear of heights because my legs get wobbly just looking at the open loft with no railing. It is very cute and with some modifications you could live in it. But I really need a bathroom. Oh! And railings.

  • biggriz on said:

    well here in BC Canada. it would have to be on wheels to be considered anything other than a shed and you can’t live in a shed. also needs 8 feet of counter and a bathroom. so as cute as it is, if you can live in it in the UK go nuts. but here we are not allowed to call it a home.

  • Well, if you don’t eat (no where to make food) you don’t need the loo or a shower (disgusting smelly filthy) Oh, he probably does all that at his Mommies house. (He probably hides a large coffee can under his bed (chamber pot) BLECH!!!!!

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