6. Rice
has been found perfectly preserved in Egyptian to
has been found perfectly preserved in Egyptian tombs
7. Salt
if protected from moisture and can be retained in its original packaging
8. Soy Sauce
As long as it’s never opened, soy sauce also lasts indefinitely.
9. Sugar
White, brown and powdered sugar will last forever.
10. Vanilla Extract
pure vanilla extract will stay fresh and flavorful forever
read more details in the link below…
10 Foods You Can Store For 100 Years by: Kimberlee Hertzer (offthegridnews)
- Survival Superfood Will Last On Your Shelf For 150 Years
- Top 10 Must-Have Foods For An Emergency Stockpile
- 10 Survival Life Hacks
You can store any food for 100 years. Whether or not it’ll be edible is another story.
I think that it will be edible is taken as read!
Hahaha! Snappy answer there Snap! You smartass fuck!!!
There are 5 listed…what are the other 5?
Pretty sure it was honey found in Egyptian tombs that was still edible, not rice. Also the pic for vanilla extract is definitely something else, too thick…
Not if it is the extract made with glycerin instead of alcohol. My wife got some of that once and it was thicker.
The question is, where will you store enough food and water to keep eating for a hundred years?
I would probably prep with lots of rice and protein powder. Hard to prepare it without water though.
Why do you hide your”next page button” in the mist of so many unrelated and often useless advertising links? It’s frustrating, and I often surf away from your page and go back to what I was doing on Facebook instead of rummaging around for the link. I’m sure that I am not the only one who would appreciate it if your next page link was more prominent. Like at the top of the page right at the top of the article and not separated from the article by appetizer. I hope you consider that. At least experiment with it. See which one gets you more click through’s to the rest of the article.
Agree! Seems kind of a sneaky way to get people to click on the links
Since when is salt a food?
Where is fruitcake on this list?
Don’t forget about maple syrup. It mightcrystalize if left in the sun but it was last 100 years.
Someone skipped their research! Rice does not have a very long shelf life, one year at best before it turns rancid.
This list is not impressive but more an ad for Trader Joe’s
Canned foods last 100 plus years. caned foods from around Nappolian have been opened tested found to be safe heated up and eaten and were found to be very eddible
They said 10 and gave 10. They didn’t say that there are only 10 foods that would last 100 years.