10 Incredible Food Life Hacks you need to know (video)


Eating the same thing over and over again can become dull and boring. You need to improve the way you handle food and there’s no other simple way to do it except food hacks! Yes, in the following tutorial, there are 10 creative life hacks involving food you need to know. From opening cans and bottles to making gourmet breakfast in just a few minutes. The stuff you can do could be unbelievable. For instance, did you know that you can wipe clean your shoes with a banana? Check it out for yourself. Before you do that though, watch the video featured below. You definitely won’t regret! And it will get you into the mood of cooking so that’s a bonus right from the start.

Here is the list:

1. Opening a jar
2. Watering plants
3. HOWTO Gourmet breakfast
4. Keeping cookies soft
5. Liberating refried beans
6. Banana Show Shine
7. Stirring spoon holder
8. Stovetop Pizza
9. Oven + Eggs = Dance all night
10. Full figured bread

2 Responses to “10 Incredible Food Life Hacks you need to know (video)”

  1. rachel212 says:

    a spoon rest is always a good idea instead of fumbling around and wasting aluminum foil

  2. Ben Butera says:

    I would like to contribute some examples of good design practice.

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