Cumberland Log Cabin Kit from $16,350


Are you looking for a duplex living arrangement? Today is your lucky day, especially if you fancy the more traditional log cabin design. The Cumberland Log Cabin Kit can be yours from $16,350. The people from the Amish Cabin Company provide you with a comfortable home. The feeling of nature will be all around you with this cabin. The logs used in building it come from sustainable tree plantations so you don’t need to worry about that. The company behind the kit is very helpful in offering what you’ll need in order to make the kit into a welcoming home. Check out their website to find out more useful information, like shipping prices and whether assembly is provided or not. Good luck with making this cabin kit the home of your dreams!








487 Responses to “Cumberland Log Cabin Kit from $16,350”

    • Lew Ferguson says:

      I would buy at this price but we can’t make it for this price so this is not our prices!!!

      • Mmg says:

        What? Your comment makes absolutely no sense.

        • Bruce says:

          This is apparently old information. If you look directly at their website the current starting price for the Cumberland 14’x28′ insulated Kit Unassembled, for examble, is $18,800. Prebuilt Deluxe Finished (includes hot water heater) is $33,300. The interior picture is just what you can do with it. There are actual interior pictures on their website: Remember, THIS is a third party site.

        • Dawn Cain says:

          I’m with you. This got a big old HUH???? from me.

        • StupidPolice says:

          It takes a certain level of intelligence to not be able to understand simple English and then claim something wrong with it instead of you. He’s simply saying he likes the price but it is still out of their range, so in that sense not a good price for him. It makes “absolutely no sense” to you because you’re a f♦♦♦♦♦♦ m♦♦♦♦.

          • Derp says:

            Actually Lew Ferguson is a manager at amish cabin company so thats not what he’s saying at all you fucking moron. He’s saying, very badly, that the prices stated here are inaccurate.

          • Mimi says:

            U know it isn’t nice to call people stupid just because they didn’t understand something someone said I mean don’t be a douchebag

      • Paul Bottari says:

        Send me a link to your site and your price options. Thanks,

    • Gerry Hofman says:

      This would make a great houseboat …

  1. Nick Tack says:

    I want more details about this home, please

    • evelyn says:

      Me too. I can’t find spot to sent original email so im replying with this one,
      I line in Pacific Northwest so I’m wondering how to get it delivered with out
      z huge delivery fee.

  2. Candy says:


  3. John says:

    Very interesting concept, but the interior picture shown above is not for this cabin!

    • Elizabeth says:

      No its not .. its just showing one of the styles of the inside.. Try using that thing on your shoulders for more then growing hair ..

      • Julie says:

        That was very rude!

        • ChiefSlapaHo says:

          You have to forgive elizabeth…She is probably blonde…They should show pics that go with each other…Mix and match is deceptive…

      • betheatsshit says:

        you are a douchebag

      • Don says:

        Wow, you have to come on here just to find people to show your arrogance or just your lack of communication skills. A very rude thing to say for a simple question.

        • sheryl valentine says:

          If they are putting forth their most costly interior style with their most inexpensive “packaging” it is just what any other retailer is doing, so just chalk it up to capitalism and do what I am doing at this moment…or I was until I happened upon this stupid argument while researching something for my stove…design and build your own fuc*ing (tiny) house.

      • English Grammar says:

        It’s “than,” not “then.”

      • Mark says:

        Elizabeth, that thing on your shoulders must need popping. I think everyone that looked at this story would have liked to see what the advertised cabin looks like on the inside. Apparently, they must have something to hide not to show it, it must be a disappointment; as is your comment.

      • Stimply says:

        Elizabeth, try finding your useful nice side you ass.

      • EJ says:

        Do you have a link to the interior of this cabin so that we can see what it looks like?

      • JMc says:

        Elizabeth, *than. Nice hair.

      • Chris says:

        Agree. Rude. Not too much to expect that the interior picture might match the exterior picture

      • Krys S says:

        Sorry Liz is a dick, John. Guess she thinks false advertising and intentionally misleading and baiting people with fake photos is OK. That’s why she is mean for no reason….because no one can stand her.

      • Tony Godin says:

        lol well said

    • Vicki says:

      How do you know it isn’t the same John?

  4. Gary Kowall says:

    I would like to know more about the Cumberland Log Cabin Kit from $16,350, perhaps just a bit on electrical and plumbing systems. Also, I assume delivery would be fairly expensive. What would the “per mile” charge be?

    Thank you,

    G. Kowall

  5. Julie Epps says:

    I am a single mother of two boys ages 6 and 13. Nothing would make me happier than to own my own place. I LOVE this design, and under 17 grand it is very doable for me. I am a recovering addict and an ex-con who has recently became a very religious person. I live with my father that does not share my views and this makes things very difficult. Please send information on how I can get started on my new home. It would be of great encouragement to me and a “light at the end of the tunnel” so to speak. I have started my own cleaning business and my son receives a social security check as well so this is very doable. Any and all info on how to get started on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much, Julie Epps.

    • Danny says:

      My thoughts and prayers go out to you, and I wish you well. Congratulations on getting and staying sober. You have to be your own hero, and you can say that to yourself that you are one.

      • Marcus Mattern says:

        Julie – Godspeed on your new Journey
        Danny – thank you for your kindness.

        Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
        As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
        Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
        Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
        If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
        for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

        Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
        Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
        Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
        But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals;
        and everywhere life is full of heroism.

        Be yourself.
        Especially, do not feign affection.
        Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

        Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
        Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
        Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

        You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
        you have a right to be here.
        And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

        Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
        and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
        With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.

        Max Ehrmann 1927

        • Cheryl says:

          Thank you, Marcus. What a wise and lovely list of encouraging thoughts. I have slowly bettered my own behavior following several of these ideas, merely because I had begun to not like myself the way I was. It is a long and lifelong endeavor but if you always try to explain your point of view or helpful idea in a kind way the other person will at least consider it. Vitriol closes their ears and opens their self-protection mode which sparks a hatred back at you. Often this is because this person has suffered a lot of pain themselves that you don’t know about. Think kindness and healing and wish the best for them and learn to be sincere about it. Making enemies of them does not make the world a better place but it can make you a less tolerant, less patient and an angry frustrated person because your comments won’t be valued like you initially intended because spiteful, disrespectful comments make you look unintelligent.Be the “bigger” person and patiently and kindly lead them with the idea that others are listening that may value your advice more than the person your comment was addressed to.

    • Michelle says:

      I hope u get your dream.I too would love this if I get my S.S. but you need to factor in hooking plumbing,elect.etc up plus land all that is probably not freezable for me. Good luck

    • Teresa Markovitch says:

      I am guessing that the price will be for the building only. So you need to add land on top of that.

    • Susan says:

      I wish my mother was like you. If she had made this step you have courageously made I wouldn’t have gone through so much suffering and abuse in my childhood. Good luck and best wishes for you!

    • Slacker says:

      Congrats, but there’s no need to shadow-beg/phish. Stay clean, but start to recover, ya feel me? If you are truly working a program, you will know what I am meaning by that.

    • Mike Tummon says:

      Lan thats the thing you need land and municipal approval and the fees that go with that

    • We're Toast says:

      It is an ad for a cabin. No one wants to hear your life story. You sound like a flake. I pity your kids. Please stop reproducing. Thank you and have a nice day.

  6. Stanley McBride says:

    Interested. Beautiful.

  7. Neacie says:

    I’m interested in the log cabin for $16,350. How many bedrooms, does it come furnished with appliances, etc

    • Slacker says:

      Yes, fully furnished and the first 6 months includes weekly maid service and nightly turn-down of master bedroom. As for Julie Epps good lord. Tmi. Are you hoping for a gofundmeez bankroll. It’s one thing to clean up, but its another to fully change and be comfortable enough in ur own skin to not have to explain urself to death and let it be. Best of luck, but continue to make it happen. Not shadow-begging or Phishing.

  8. Alisha Iindfors-gill says:

    I’d love to check out the site, but you need to finish your WordPress install first. At this point, anyone who knows what they’re doing could complete it 🙂 I could have….. But I didn’t.
    Install asap so I can check these out!!!

  9. Crystal Gilliam says:

    Where can you locate the website for this Cabin?

  10. Celeste says:

    How do i get one

  11. Kelley Wright says:


  12. Timothy williams says:

    Could you send me brochures, with pricing. 164 bird flanders Rd swainsboro ga 30401

  13. April says:

    What do you have to do to get one of these

  14. Rosemary says:

    I like! Want more information.

  15. Ruth Fishback says:

    Awesome!! Do you suppose the beautiful scenery as well? 🙂

  16. Craig Gouine says:

    I am interested in your Cumberland Log Cabin kit . I would like to have more
    information mailed to me (postal) at ,
    502 W. Main St.
    Cameron Wisconsin

    Thank you
    Craig Gouine

    • Smitty says:

      This is a blog post about the company. You should take a second to look them up and find more info about them. The blogger probably isn’t going to send you information in the mail as they probably don’t work for the company. Also, maybe not a great idea posting your mailing address in a public comments section visible to anyone.

    • GuardianAnu says:

      Somebody doesn’t know how to internet.

  17. Renee Cook says:

    Very interested.

  18. Jacob Trump says:

    Please send me some information about your cabins. 2595 split rail rd Shawsville va. 24162

    • Sue says:

      Why would you post your address on a website for the whole world to see? Click on the link at the end of the article to go to the company’s site.

  19. Adrain Hurst says:

    We are wanting to build a Veteran’s Village for homeless and transitioning Veterans. I am in North East Texas and would like more information. We have an equine therapy program and having a place fkr Veteran’s to live on the ranch is paramount to our goals.

  20. William Dudley says:

    I need something with 4 bedrooms

  21. Deanna Nelson says:

    Interested in these cabins need more information

  22. Ella webb says:

    Is it put together? Or do we put it together?

  23. Noel Doucette says:

    How big is the house

  24. leslie says:

    Very nice

  25. betty wert says:

    would like more info on this home

  26. Wendy says:

    Interested in log cabins & prices.

  27. Caren Hogan says:

    Please send me information

  28. Terry says:

    I wonder about heating and plumbing?

  29. stephanie says:

    Love it!

  30. paul girard says:

    Send me some info please

  31. Barbara says:

    Lookin for somethin just like this in Barrie Ontario Canada if you know of any information please let me know thankyu

  32. al mcquerry says:

    do you finance ??if so call me 8708624677

  33. Dawn Sterwald says:

    Can you please send us a catalog of all your homes including the prices. Thank you so much we are especially interested in the cover home you are showing.

  34. tina says:

    just wounder if available in canada?

  35. Jane says:

    I just love this! It is sooo practical and the design is wonderful. The price is awesome!!!

  36. Debra Hartwig says:

    Very interested in plans.

  37. Judith Hubbard says:

    Do you have a catalog

  38. Brandy Fitch says:

    Can I get information sent to me?

  39. Tina jacobs says:

    Want more info

  40. Lakeesha reed says:

    Love this love to have a catlog if u all have them

  41. Beth Mackey says:

    Please beware – it appears that the Amish Cabin Company’s website is hacked as of 11/22/2015.

  42. Don clark says:

    Need info

  43. CJ says:


  44. Brian says:

    Curious to know the dementions of the Cumberland Log Cabin Kit

  45. justin says:

    Where do I get one

  46. Scott Hostetter says:

    Love it

  47. Steven Coburn says:

    dimensions and cost Cookeville TN

  48. Robert Forth says:

    I want information.

  49. Kelley Thomas says:

    Would like see whole design of inside

  50. David A Core says:

    I like home design but would like to see floor plans.

  51. tabitha says:

    More information please

  52. Jennifer says:

    I keep getting this message when trying to open the link:

    This webpage has a redirect loop


  53. alonna pourier says:

    So perfect. One side for me and the other side for my mom.

  54. Jerome Reynolds says:

    Where do u deliver to?

  55. feed die haselden says:

    I want one

  56. JW Sherrill says:

    Please send info.

  57. Anthony Dugas says:

    Nice is this true???

  58. Jerry Reed says:


  59. roxanne huffstutter says:

    very interested in this cabin ..please sent details

  60. Chris says:

    you cant post a link with /wp-admin/ in it. Unless you are an admin for this site you will never get to it.
    Also this is a brand new WordPress Install. there is nothing there.

  61. Kathleen Taylor says:

    Would love this cabin. Perfect size for me to live in for the rest of my life.

  62. kim says:

    Send me pics of houses 3 bedroom log cabins

  63. josh michalak says:

    I am interested in more information on your Log Cabin Kits.

  64. Michael cinquepalmi says:

    Interested in a catalog if your company has one

  65. Robert L. Coleman, Jr. says:

    Please send me information on these cabins.

  66. Carol Brooks says:

    Hello, I am very interested in this home. Can you research the price delivered to Niagara Falls, CANADA. With taxes, duty, deliverychsrges included. I anciously await an estimate for consideration. Thanking you in advance. Carol

  67. Bonds says:

    Send info

  68. Joan Barbour says:

    This Cabin looks GREAT!! I will be anxious to see what the total pkg costs!!

  69. Jessica Shafer says:

    I am interested in these homes. Amazing!!

  70. Christian says:

    The link for more details doesn’t work. 🙁

  71. Kathy says:

    I cannot get it to open. Says database error. I’m interested.

  72. Debra Williams says:

    I would like more information

  73. Russell Truitt says:

    How many sq.ft. is this house? I would like more information about this house

  74. Amy says:

    How many square feet is this?

  75. tina martin says:

    How many bedrooms are in it

  76. Dinah Rhodes says:

    I would appreciate it if you would send be a book of good home designs of the cabin you have poster on Facebook

  77. Jay Campbell says:

    This log cabin package exterior walls, I suspect, is $16,350.00. Where is it may and do the export to Canada, if this is an American product. What woul be the Canadian Costs.

  78. james says:

    More information
    Plz James

  79. Carissa Little says:

    Hello I was wondering if you guys had more information about the Cumberland Log Cabin Kit from $16,350? How many bedrooms and bathrooms? I was wondering if you guys deliver around Bloomington Illinois? I was also wondering if you had other models like this with more bedrooms? Thank you!

  80. Bill DuRose says:

    I would like more information please !

  81. Shar Huddleston says:

    I would like more information on this product and a price list and catalog if possible,
    Thank you.


    Shar Huddleston

  82. Jack McDermott says:

    Where are you located?

  83. B says:

    The inside view and the outside views don’t match. They appear to be from two different house designs… Look at the second level loft windows.

  84. rICHARD rUSSELL says:

    Looks great. Need more information

  85. rICHARD rUSSELL says:

    Loce the log cabin idea. Would like more information on it.

  86. Sherry McClain says:

    Do you have any other floor plans? I love this one but I’m curious about others you can leave a message at 918-640-6611 Thank you Sherry

  87. Gwen Sill says:

    would like info on the log cabins

  88. Samantha says:

    Where are you located and how far do you travel to deliver the cabin homes?,

  89. Bridgette sizemore says:

    please send info

  90. Dickie Layton says:

    Would like more info on this please. Like size and footage.

  91. Margie Dvis says:

    Wish you would be able to donate one to a family that is in need of one do to the sc flood we are a family of 5 still in our home .

  92. Erma Glazebrook says:

    I am interested in a log cabin kit featured on the website

  93. Shannon Jacobs says:

    Would like some info please onalll

  94. Andrea Greenlaw says:

    Love this

  95. Crystal Ledford says:

    Please send me brosours 1164 ms hwy 3 Vance ms 38964

  96. Tyler Durham says:

    Beautiful inside…love it

  97. Paul says:

    What is the preparation I need to do to get it ????
    How long does it take to have it ???
    Do you install on site ????
    What is the price to deliver to Blue Sea Quebec ????

  98. Cindy Yahn says:

    Interested in Sq ft. Delivery cost, possible financing…possible full cash… insulation, plumbing wiring, all details as to what the home is called…mobile, or modular… is it customizable or standard… heating cooling thx

  99. Jame Hinman says:

    I would like more information on this cabin please

  100. Doris Simone Bowes says:

    Love this gorgeous little home! Not so unlike our cosy nest on Tindle Bay.

  101. Michele fontaine says:

    I am interested in your cabins

  102. Patsy Green says:

    I would like to know about the log houses Thank you

  103. Terry-Ann says:

    Why would you leave a negative comment at the end?

    “Good luck with making this cabin kit the home of your dreams”!

  104. Tammy farris says:

    I like the design

  105. Paul Martin says:


  106. shannah white says:

    Love it

  107. Wesleyv. J. Sonnier , Jr says:

    Interested. In. Getting. Prices. In. My. Area

  108. Cathy garlick says:

    Would like you to mail me more information

  109. Mike Shoemaker says:

    Love it!

  110. Annette says:

    Love it

  111. Tammarisk Lyman says:

    Could you please send me a catalog of your homes?

  112. pat nielsen says:

    hay guts is this you???

  113. adam says:

    your web address for the seller isn’t working- might want to check that out if you want people to see it…

  114. Catharine Brown says:

    More information please.

  115. Wendy green says:

    Cute tiny house

  116. Christina. guajardo says:

    Im interested

  117. Kay says:

    I would love to find out more about this kits and would to get one my name is Kay Beverly number is 276-220-3607 thank you

  118. Christine says:

    I am very interested in your Log cabin kits. Can you send me some information via my email attached? I am living in Buffalo, New York, and I am moving to Merietta Ga this coming summer and looking to buy property and build and this is just perfect. I have always wanted a log home, but was to expensive, these are perfect and afordable. I saw this on my FB page a friend of mine shared.

    Thank you

  119. Gary Overstreet says:

    I want more info on the Cumberland Log cabin kits. My email is [email protected].

  120. Trish Mosher says:

    I am interested in the Cumberland log cabin kit, but it doesn’t say what company builds it or give a website.

  121. eileen says:

    Need info

  122. william.lester says:

    what yea phone number

  123. Aden Reel says:

    I am a disabled veteran who lives in central Illinois,my home is a 1960’s model Mobil home which I own, I would be willing to allow you to place your product on my land for advertising if you would allow me to keep it after an agreed on time for allowing folks to see during normal business hours 5 days a week!

  124. Khristopher Lee says:

    How many bed/baths

  125. Jordan says:

    How do we but one

  126. Luke says:

    Looks like a great little cabin.

    I’m curious to know the insulation R values for the assemblies (wall, ceiling) ?


  127. Robyn says:

    Send floor plans sq footage and updates pricing

  128. Ranada Hawkins says:

    Have lake lot property. My husband and I plan to build a home away from home there. We have two children and need additional storage space for our ski boat.

  129. John Johnson says:

    Please send me more info on this and other cabins
    thank you

  130. Gary watkins says:

    Need some info on other design and sizes please…

  131. Jeff Gorr says:

    would like more info on log homes

  132. tammy easley says:

    How many feet is this

  133. Brenda D. Smith says:

    This is beautiful if we owned some land I would live in one in a heart beat. Keep up the good job your doing.

  134. mike z says:

    Wish I had one

  135. Katie B. says:

    Do you have any other contact information for this company? Their website is requiring wordpress installation.

  136. Pat Smith says:


  137. Scott Price says:

    Interested in the Cumberland Log Home package or other similar models.
    I live in Western North Carolina near Asheville.

    Number is (828) 442-1396

    or Mail Info to 338 Deep Woods Drive, Marion, NC 28752

    I am an immediate buyer or multiples..

  138. John K. Werlau says:


  139. Daniel Smith says:

    Like more information. Wow

  140. Pam York says:

    Very interested

  141. Jason Malone says:

    How big is the log cabin. .

  142. RBaker says:

    ok I want one now what?

  143. Holly says:

    Would like more info on this please

  144. Mario Basurto says:

    I would like more information on the cabin do you deliver to utah tks

  145. mr w says:

    how many square feet? and what does the kit at 16,3 include? ANY windows or doors? delivery is how much? (to fort collins, co)

    please contact me at the email above.

  146. Nathan Schendel says:

    Can u email me some more info on your kits please…

  147. Cleon carraway says:

    Need a contact number

  148. Chad Lewis kidd says:

    Can some one call me about the Cumberland duplex..912-227-2722 Thanks

  149. Darlene Morrison says:

    Love the Cumberland Log Cabin Kits

  150. clint reece says:

    Clint reece

  151. Dawn Kaucher says:

    Do you offer any turn key options?

  152. Penn rowe says:

    This will be my next home off on a back Rd where if they attempt to steal from me again the system will be installed

  153. Candace Buck says:

    I want one.

  154. Bert cain says:

    How about shipping

  155. John smith says:

    Would like to see more about them

  156. James gaffney says:

    Like no more about this house

  157. Kim cabezas says:

    Where can I get more information?

  158. Chris says:

    Can you get one with more rooms?

  159. Todd Smith says:

    Please send a floor plan book
    Todd Smith
    307 North St.
    Philadelphia Ms 39350

  160. Chick beesley says:

    Would like to know more about this

  161. Karla hammer says:

    More info on Cumberland cabins. Is there a company in North Idaho

  162. sandra amick says:

    Is interior complete cabinets ect..

  163. Barbara King says:

    Can you send me more information on : sizes, financing, and delivery

  164. Joshua Scott says:

    Loved the design you have for the log cabin’s. I am very interested in this method of bringing in a modular home.

  165. Debbie Smith says:

    Would like information.

  166. Paul roberts says:

    I want one

  167. Chris martin says:

    I’m interested in specs

  168. Michelle says:

    Please send me more infirmation. Bedroom?

  169. Arlon Hawley says:

    Would like price on the Cumberland and delivery to GoldsboroN.C.

  170. Dee Naymon says:

    I am interested in the Cumberland cabin. Would you please send me the floor plan.

  171. Jeffery Highsmith says:

    Do you guys finance? Do they come assembled and does it come with plumbing? Thanks

  172. Matthew Till says:

    Awesome building

  173. andera allmond says:

    Would live to see calling please and thank you

  174. Annette says:

    Love this dupex l

  175. Dianne says:

    What does that price include?

  176. Delaney north says:

    Would love to own

  177. Dale A. Greene says:

    Tell me more

  178. Lezley Koubek says:

    Have a few questions about the Cumberland kit above. How may bedrooms does it have, and does your company haul it in and set it, or is that something the customer has to arrange? Thank you.

  179. Patrick Jones says:

    I need one of these

  180. Curtis Hanks says:

    I would love more information on this and more

  181. Linda Blake says:

    Info please

  182. William says:

    I’d like to see more designs please

  183. Garrett Johnson says:

    What square footage houses does the company make Where are y’all located

  184. Russell Christopher says:

    We are shopping for a trailer and this blew us away…

  185. michael Baggett says:

    That’s looks good

  186. Tony milam says:

    Yes I would like to see more of this house like bathroom and bed room pictures

  187. Deana Mclamb says:

    Please mail a Borcher to me please at 203 B dunn street benson nc 27504 very interested!

  188. Benni Smith says:

    Very interested in some mire information

  189. Debra says:

    Could you email me information on your homes and prices please?

  190. Ricky slate says:

    Need about 5

  191. Miranda says:

    Do you have more information about this and also about the shipping. Thanks

  192. tammyp19@ hotmail.xom says:

    Wouldime more info.

  193. Jen leitzel says:

    I would like to receive a catolog please

  194. Jen leitzel says:

    I would like to receive a book

  195. Kelly Daniel says:

    Very nice. What is the square feet?

  196. Al Wheeler says:

    Please send me more information on the log cabin kit.

  197. Justin nelson says:

    I was wondering the square feet and is that the biggest model you make of the log cabin

  198. marlene dietzel says:

    please send infor on cumberland cabin kit for 16,000 dollars.

  199. Donyamoss says:

    Love it,but just need a single family home

  200. John Chappell says:

    This can only be a dream for me.

  201. Mike graham says:

    Would like info on your products thank you .

  202. Jonathan Lincecum says:


  203. Cathy says:

    Can you please send me some information on your homes thanks

  204. William Jacobsen says:

    Mail me a categlog in the mail to p.o. box2513Benson Az85602/thankyou

  205. lesa haila says:

    Over it

  206. cindy sercer says:

    In the next couple of years I want something much like this to put on some land for semi retirement close to my children

  207. kevin napoli says:

    would love you see better pics of all the rooms like bathroom and bedroom

  208. Sandra Strohkirch says:

    Very interested

  209. Sandra Strohkirch says:

    Very interested please send info

  210. Florence Hill says:

    I am very interested.

  211. Sandra Hennessey says:

    This is what we are looking for! We are selling our log home in Vermont and want to downsize in Rai!

  212. DONNA CREED says:


  213. Elaine Carr says:

    Where are your factories located?

  214. Peggy Mayle says:

    Please mail me information about all of your home please to my home address 1549 Ward Run Rd Roanoke, WV 26447

  215. Brad Lough says:

    Could you recommend someone out here that would do a good job with a cabin out here in Oregon? Thanks and have a great day.

  216. Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Miller says:

    Gentlemen, my wife and I currently live in a large 2 story traditional Log Home here in Luray, Va. From what we see we are impressed by the Cumberland Log Cabin Kit. We would request any and all information on this home, price lists, options available, floor plans,appliances, is a fireplace available. Choices of flooring as well as what type of wood used in the actual Log construction (Pine, Cedar, ect). as well as delivery prices and set up. Also does Cumberland Log Homes assist in the foundation plans? We are Seniors and own our current home and looking to downsize with minimal upkeep. We are also concerned about the sealing of the outside with what type of Sealant. Please give us this information so that we can make an informed decision and contact information so we can move further to making this a reality if the materials requested are suitable for us. We also own land for this home that is build ready and all ready has a well and conventional septic system. Our home address currently is: 408 AirStrip Road, Luray,Virginia 22835-2810

  217. CindL Straughn says:

    I love this. I only wish they were alot bigger.

  218. Jonathan Barbosa says:

    Looking for one of these cabins would love to see one and possibly buy one with in the year.

  219. linda junk says:

    what does it cost to have the oamish finish it the labor the assemble and how many square feet is it

  220. Priscilla says:

    I love this home . Please send me all information about this home.
    Thank you so much .

  221. Dan cosgrove says:

    Please send more info on log homes

  222. Leighton Spicer says:

    I love the cabin how can I get a book on them

  223. Ellen says:

    Very beautiful

  224. Ron mcmillian says:


  225. Dawn says:

    This is perfect as a lake house!

  226. Susan says:

    Please send catalog with more info.

  227. JEFF says:

    Catalog please.

  228. Michael J Woodbury says:

    Please forward details on turnaround time for the featured small homes.

  229. Kenneth says:

    Please send me more information

  230. Brandon hall says:

    Love the look would love some floorplan!

  231. BEN SANDOVAL says:

    We currently own property in Cerrillos, New Mexico. We have been thinking of building or placing a modular home on the property. Your log cabins looks like something we might be interested. Please send me more information such as floor plans and pricing.

  232. Teresa says:

    Please contact me on how to buy one and to speak with you in more detail. Thank you.

  233. Angela Bullock says:

    Need more info please

  234. William Moorefield says:

    More details

  235. Sandra Wilson says:

    I’d like to have some information please.Is there a company like this up in Alaska?

  236. josh says:

    Plz email me thank you!

  237. Michelle bush says:

    Could please send me callogy of the housees

  238. marulyn harrell says:

    What exactly come in a kit home? For instance, is it pre-wired, plumbed and cabinets and toilets installed?? Please reply and specify…Thank you

  239. Justin doebert says:

    Please send me info

  240. Nancy Brandt says:

    I would like information or catalog. Very interested.

  241. billie says:

    Please email contact information to discuss purchase of one of your log cabins. Thank you for your time.

  242. Christine says:

    I would like more information sent to my email please.

  243. William newton says:

    I would like more information on size and how it is built

  244. Brett Bailey says:

    Please send info or catalog

  245. charles green says:

    Interested in purchasing 16k plan cost to deliver and setup in florida

  246. Holley short says:

    Please send me info on this cabin .Thanks so much

  247. Nora says:

    Need information sent to:
    Nora Hernandez
    447 Hillcrest Dr unit 13
    Brandenburg,Ky 40108

  248. Laura Franklin says:

    Pls send info

  249. Sandra Buckner says:

    Need more info on Cumberland house please.

  250. Bryce Nye says:

    I’d like more info can I get a brochure

  251. Cheryl Dean says:

    I’m just curious if you have any other floor plans that are ONE level.Planning on purchasing a home here soon and am very interested in something like this.
    Thank You, Sincerely,
    Cheryl Dean

  252. Stephanie Taylor says:

    Please send catalogue 6348 modac st lot 81 flint michigan 48506. Is it warm? I live in michigan

  253. Timothy says:

    People if you want it Google it and look for it they’re not going to answer any questions here, and for the price I’m doubting their js very much insulation piping / wiring etc

  254. Ora moore says:

    Do you build them anywhere from 1000 sq ft to 1200 sq ft and if so what is the cost of it. Can you send me an information booklet. Do you contract out electrical, sewer and gas hookups.. Really like the layout..

  255. Lauren Shegstad says:

    How do I get more information on this?

  256. Brittany says:

    I would like more information on the log cabin kits please.

  257. Daniel Kendle says:

    Please send me a lot more information

  258. Tony says:

    Please send me order information to my email.

  259. Janice Sanders says:

    I would love this !!! Have the property! Love it in the mtns by a nice stream! !!!! Fly fishing would be awesome! !!! I will tell santa this is what I want for Christmas! !!

  260. eric west says:

    I need more information can u contact me please n thankyou

  261. eric west says:

    I need alot more information

  262. angela roberts says:

    I would like more information on this 150 north side dr jasper ga 30143

  263. Deborah Barker says:

    I would like to know prices and size of these. NIES HOMES I would like a 3, bedroom 2 bath.

  264. marcia andersen says:

    Would like information please on the cabin.
    11812 Cobb Rd
    Delton Mi 49046

  265. Cherry flower says:

    I would like more iIfo iI what else u have to offwrto

  266. Neil Thomas says:

    Can you please mail me other design options with package pricing. 31michigan Ave pittsfield, mass 01201

  267. Kenneth vogelsong says:

    Yes I need more indoor this log home please

  268. Shelley says:

    Love it!!!

  269. Shelley says:

    I am interested how do we receive more info

  270. Anita Reid says:

    Would love more information sent in mail to me please…22697 Pinetree Dr…Lebanon Mo. 65536

  271. robert says:

    pls email me more information
    [email protected]

  272. Becki Baker says:

    What more info…please send

  273. Maryjane says:

    At most 560 sq ft. A standard 2 car garage is 400 sq ft for comparison. If the company does it all you will pay $75 per sq ft.

  274. THOMAS D SELF says:

    Would like to have a brochure and prices and availability. Thanks

  275. Bea Cea says:

    Really interested. Requesting more info. Thanks!

  276. Dawn Foster says:

    Interested in receiving more information on this would luv to build my own home

    302 Liberty Street Apt. C
    Girard, Pa 16417

  277. Michelle Bush says:

    I want more info please

  278. Monica says:

    Would like info sent to me interested

  279. Amber says:

    I would love to get more information on this!

  280. Damon Schuster says:

    Please send me more info as well as other designs if available. Thank you

  281. Robin Vereb says:

    We are going to build next year, Planing to have a Small Cabin, We would love more information on this Home, Thanks,

  282. Delores Zorn says:

    Would like more info and if you can send it to 864 old Turner RD Winnsboro SC 29180

  283. Vallerie mcarthur says:

    Interested in your cabins. Can you send me more info on your cabins and prices. Thanks

  284. Jackie Morgan says:

    Please send me info on the Cumberland log homes very interested

  285. Debra says:

    I need more information.

  286. Jerry armondi says:

    Interested in 3 bedroom. .can u please send me more information. .

  287. Eric says:

    Can I buy two kits and have them designed into one?

  288. Chelsea stone says:

    Would love more information if you could send out it would be appreciated. Very interested. 114pigeon hill road south Plymouth New York 13844

  289. Tiffany says:

    I’d like more info on the 14×40 and photos thank you

  290. chris says:

    need info..verry interested

  291. Elizabeth Dingman says:

    Would like information on a 2 bedroom plus maybe other designs. 1267 County Route 28 Pulaski, NY 13142

  292. Billie-Lee Lawhon says:

    Please send all information available including pricing, delivery, set up fees and taxes.

  293. Brian says:

    If you are in or near Texas, we build completely finished out beautiful cabins. All interior done, including most appliances.

  294. Deanna Goforth says:

    This is an article about the cabins. Here is the cabin company website: Delivery is stated as $7.50/mi for cabin or $3.50/mi for kits from Kentucky..

  295. Rose says:

    I would please like to get more information on this plan and is there a 3 bedroom

  296. Jansen says:

    incl. shipping costs? towards holland.

  297. MICHAEL says:

    Would love some more information on this

  298. Tony Lisenby says:

    Need more info ,sizes, shipping,

  299. Thom Marie says:

    Would love more information

  300. John says:

    I would like more information on the kit

  301. Amy Eaton says:

    Love it..more information on this log home please!!!

  302. David says:

    Didn’t know this was a platform to share a bunch of personal bullshit…….. “This cabin would work for me, any more info would be appreciated”……would be a good cabin comment…. leave the bullshit to the side

  303. Jennifer Rodgers says:

    Very interested. Please send info on all designs.

  304. Jennifer Dennis says:

    I am interested in more information. What comes w it? How much for delivery? Can you build it how ever you want to or do you have to follow it the way it comes? Please send me more information please and thank you in advance. Have a great day!

  305. carole says:

    Julie Epps you also have to have land, wayer, septic or seer etc. So cost you think is good is just for the structure

  306. Lanette says:

    Heyyyyy! Please send me more information ( like
    Everybody wants!!!!! Ok???

  307. Elizabeth Guthrie says:

    Interested very much so. Have questions, can cabin be put on basement, cost per mile for delivering. Love these designs. Thank you.

  308. Bob l.p. says:

    Need info on cabin

  309. Bobbie says:

    I am interested in your Cumberland Log Cabin kit . I would like to have more information mailed to me (postal)

    668 Mulberry St. Sebastian,FL 32958

  310. Ashley says:

    I just wanted to say congratulations on getting clean. That’s a huge step forward in life.

  311. Steve Beckner says:

    Would like more information.

  312. Gregory Kirk says:

    would like to know more about Cumberland Cabin

  313. Lee Blackmon says:

    Please contact me would like more details on this home and time frame

  314. Pamela Miller says:

    Where are they at and will you take them anywhere. Need more info about them

  315. ellen davis says:

    I would like more information and size and how many bedroom etc.. send me mail more information

  316. osberto chapa says:

    Needs one in south texas

  317. Dave Cooper says:

    I would like more info about your log home kits. Thank you

  318. Chris says:

    Looks sweet. I would like more info

  319. Chris Newell says:

    Would like more I go and shipping.

  320. robert gaona says:

    More info please

  321. Renatta Clevenger says:

    I would like a free catalog. My address is 116 Darlene Lane, Aberdeen, NC 28315. Thank you

  322. Debbie collins says:

    I want any information I can get on cabins, sizes, prices

  323. A B Patterson says:

    POB 400 appling ga. 30802

    Brochure PLEASE!

  324. Tony&Cindy Jimenez says:

    Info and floor plans on all your models.Thank you….

  325. Joel says:

    To give you an idea, my folks had a similar sized unit built in mid-western Alabama and transported to Maine and it was close to $9k.

  326. Jennifer ogletree says:

    Please send me more info on these cabins please

  327. Meghan says:

    Can you please send me the link to view your cabins? And do y’all have a company in Texas?

  328. John cooper says:

    I am interested in the log cabin.. What is the biggest one you sell and how many square feet?

  329. don says:

    I noticed that the roofing material is metal and logs I cant see insulation. Can you tell me what type of insulation is included

  330. Susan mcfslls says:

    San you please send me sizes prices more information please

  331. Sally Puskaric says:

    I would love to know more about these homes.

  332. Ashley says:

    Would like to know some more information about this.

  333. Tina Tidwell says:

    Please send me the details on the log cabin … Need sq footage and shipping info…have property and ready to put a house on it. Thank you.

  334. danie stanley says:

    Please send more information about the cabins and finiancing

    dans lawn services
    p.o. box 7126
    Beaumount, Texas


  335. Jeff Gipe says:

    Info please floor plan would be nice thanks.

  336. Juan garcia says:

    More information please

  337. Kekey hudson says:

    Need more information on this log home and does it come in any other size. Thank you, Kekey Hudson

  338. Joseph says:

    When can I expect delivery to south western Va?

  339. Joel Rodgers says:

    Hello Julie, my name is Joel, and I saw your post about this log cabin. Your story really caught my attention. I am a construction business owner, and I would like to help you with this cabin in any way I can. If you get this, please get back to me thanks.

  340. Cory says:

    I would be interested in purchasing a finished one

  341. Jordan amith says:

    I’m interested in more info! Please.

  342. Jordan smith says:

    Name “Jordan Smith”

  343. Linda Garner says:

    How much is it assembled and how much for delivery, which I imagine is based on miles?

  344. J HINKLE says:

    Please send me more information! Beautiful!

  345. Aaron Gabor says:

    Where would you ship them? Could you ship to Alberta?

  346. Sam Gilliland says:

    I’d like information on this to delivery to North Texas. Thank you.

  347. Dawn freeman says:

    M more information please

  348. Joann Ortiz says:

    I would like very much if you send me more information on the log cabin house. Do you ship to Florida. Please send me information at [email protected] thank you

  349. Diana McCorkle says:

    I would like more information on your log home kits. Thank you.

  350. Shell says:

    I’m truly shocked by the people who actually left their address in the comments for the entire world to see!

  351. Michael mackey says:

    Its way better then any cabin I’ve ever seen.

  352. bobby trinkle says:

    Interested in log home burchure including square footage and finished kits. Also prices and delivery fees.
    My address is 2530 Radcliffe circle chipley Florida 32428

  353. Crale says:

    How do I get more info on this

  354. Monica Walker says:

    Definetly want more information. I own two acres and something like this would be perfect for my husband and I.

  355. Earl says:

    Would love some more information. Have nice land to work with.

  356. Robyn says:

    Send info please

  357. trisha says:

    Can I have more information please is there any payment plan’s

  358. Raul gutierrez says:

    How many sf is this cabin and how far from oregon are located at?

  359. Raul gutierrez says:

    I would like to get more information about this cabin and how much i would cost to deliver it to oregon and would i have to pay any taxes on it if i would buy one

  360. Ron Lock says:

    I’d like more information please.

  361. Rikki Gradley says:

    Hello, could you send me a brochure with prices please, we are looking to put a 3 bedroom log house at our property in Suffolk thanks Rikki

  362. Dino Morgante says:

    I want to know if the offer is valid in Belgium

  363. Jim Chandler says:

    Looking for one, maybe 2 of these. Please contact me.

  364. paul tarr says:

    more info please

  365. Delberta Sorague says:

    Very interested in more information. Please send more infomation

  366. Allen Williamson says:

    would like to know what square footage of the 3 smallest cabins.1st one maybe too small for that price.also costs of them.thank you.

  367. Joshua Barton says:

    Would like to get more information sent to me on the homes and all floor plans.

  368. Jim says:

    I don’t remember him asking you to act like a cunt

  369. ace says:

    If you just google “Cumberland Log Cabin”, you get your answer. lol retards don’t yall know how to use the freakin internet? dayum.

  370. john says:

    That interior picture does not go with that style of cabin! Nice little trick there! Cute digs, that you can build yourself for aroun 6 to 8 thousand! Less if you want to work more…

  371. tammy says:

    I am interested in knowing more about this home kit…please send me more info or contact number please would be greatly appreciated

  372. charleen says:

    Please send information on log cabin kits

  373. nicole says:

    Would like mor info please.

  374. Matt says:

    Could I get some more information please? Would you be will to send out a brochure to 1586 m-28 East, Marquette MI 49855?

    Thanks for your time.

    Matt Lorenz

  375. Michelle says:

    Please, mail a brochure for more info.
    12250 S.Kirkwood #514
    Stafford, Texas 77477

    Thank you

  376. Matt says:

    Could I please get some more information? Can I get a brochure mailed to 1586 m-28 East, Marquette MI?

    Thanks for your time

    Matt lorenz

  377. regina hays says:

    Please send more info. Im located in sullivan missouri

  378. linda says:

    Bonjour, j”aimerais savoir combien peut couter avec electricite solaire et plomberie? Celle a 16’000$. Est-ce possible de l”avoir au quebec? Merci, Linda

  379. Rob says:

    Where is the contact information about this?
    ~ floor plan
    ~ construction description & details
    ~ plumbing
    ~ electrical
    ~ etc.

  380. Kendra says:

    More info please

  381. Amy says:

    It doesn’t come with appliances the base model you have to put together on your own

  382. Breanna says:

    I would like more info please maybe a number to call?
    Please email me all info.

  383. Kerry miller says:

    Do you have a kit for a shell cabin fo 20×40 ft if so how do I get a quote.

  384. Robert McCann says:

    I would like more info on your Amish built homes.

  385. Joni says:

    Yes, that was rude. Some people have no class

  386. Russ Avery says:

    Would like more information on this, how many Sq feet and bedrooms and bath. Dilivery per mile. Thank you

  387. Ronald Thompson says:

    Need more info please would love a brochure and pricing please

  388. craig says:

    Does the Cumberland come pre-assembled? If so, How much

  389. craig chandler says:

    Would you send me some information on the Cumberland log cabin, Very interested in purchasing one of these. Please send INFO to 24522 Martin Ave Valley, Nebraska 68064 Thank You. P/S Is there a Phone # that I could talk with someone about ordering one of these cabins?

  390. Jayme Chalfant says:

    Jow much to.get it ip and running?

  391. Roxanna Clevenger says:

    We live on thee coast in the Pacific Northwest. Please send me a catalogue complete with price list including delivery of your Cumberland Log Cabins/Homes to:
    121 Smith Creek Rd
    Raymond WA 98577-9246
    Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future.

  392. Jennifer says:

    Here is the actual website for all the people who keep asking.

    This is a comment section, not email. All your info is being posted publicly. Stop posting your addresses.

  393. Tony Godin says:

    What would be your delivery fee to Foleyet Ontario.?

  394. Paul Bunyon says:

    Life is good! A lot like. Bowl of Peaches. Why can’t we all get along?

  395. Paul Bunyon says:

    Sometimes I just wonder!

  396. J says:

    Link please

  397. Majsmc says:

    Elizabeth, Sure hope you don’t work for the company selling these homes. Think I will try another online site. Thanks, Shari

  398. evie says:

    Come now, Elizabeth, be nice on this thread.
    Well the problem with these lovely homes is that there are states in the Union that do not allow this sort of living with “regular society”, not my words, they are considered pre-fabs and as such they need to be placed in trailer parks with trailers and other pre fab construction. As in my state, I would hv to go out towards the wilderness of the state, meagerly populated and most of the time my parcel of land that I Wud buy would need to be cleared. Sad but true.

  399. Kyra Hickmon says:

    Like more information please.

  400. Judith Machado says:

    Are there brochures with models and prices that can be sent via mail

  401. joanne says:

    Sounds a bit fishy, there’s another company advertising the same log cabin at the same price. If there is such a deal it’s probably not as good as it sounds. They’re showing you what it COULD LOOK LIKE inside if you add your own cabinetry, sink, stove, furnature, lighting, etc. In other words you’d be getting just a shell. Start adding up the land to put it on, the insulation, electricity, plumbing, cabinets, toilets and bath, and delivery charges plus taxes. Just saying! I would like it too if the whole thing was completed and you just need furniture and a plot of land. But realistically, that’s why they’re not showing you what you get for that base price.

  402. Charles William Smith says:

    Would be vary Interested in purchasing one of these homes ,would like more information.and if there ‘s a payment plan thank you

  403. Lynn says:

    Yes, your right, why can’t people make comments without being so rude?

  404. Kelly Lehman says:

    I agree I would buy it too… Lol. People… Its a kit. It does not include anything like interior walls, insulation, electrical, plumbing, etc…etc. Its still a really good deal.

  405. Jen says:

    Ok , I just want to know what I get and for how much. Thanks

  406. Mary ash says:

    Please sentaryla me information about this cabin and how much to have it delivered Assembled to Baltimore Maryland. USA

  407. Sue says:

    It’s scary reading these comments and seeing how many people seem to be incapable of finding the link to the company that builds these houses clearly indicated at the end of the article and how many are posting their addresses for the whole world to see. For those who can’t seem to find the link without help and who seem to think this site of articles also builds cabins and who obviously didn’t read the “About Us” at the bottom of the page, “Goodshomedesign is an online home design magazine but do not sell the products reviewed or showcased on this site,” here is the link to the site that does build and sell the cabin

  408. Einsteins Daughter says:

    Im SHOCKED at how many of you just put your personal info on this blig NOT KNOWING anything about this article you could be scammed SERIOUSLY …and these cabin kits are cheaply made we see them in small lots all around MISSOURI… no plumbing and you have to own land and have a foundation to sit them on..come on people do your research before posting your life away..

  409. Saundra Brown says:

    I would like more information on this home.

  410. charles hall says:

    To put plain and simple,I love the house already.Please send more information about it. THANK YOU!!!!!

  411. Dan says:


  412. Leanne Makris says:

    Y’all really get in a pissing match over a cabin and the pictures that might be incorrect life is too short to be children…
    Jesus Christ no wonder we have wars

  413. Naomi says:

    Are these people for real? They should not be allowed to go near a computer if they are this clueless! OMG!

  414. ronald phillips says:

    How do we order one Natalie getting more information

  415. Josh soper says:

    662 213 8121 please contact me we are wanting to buy, thanks in advance

  416. Kevin James says:

    We are going with steel single slope. Fully insulated 2500 Sq ft. $22k or less than $10/Sq ft. Milling our own lumber for walls.

    I could not do $40/Sq ft for the same…

  417. William says:

    Sites like this (on Facebook) are almost always misleading. Photos and pricing never match.

  418. Sandra Brockel says:

    You must be a genious, and a really nice person

  419. Al says:

    I’m curious. if it’s setting this close to the ground as seen in the photos, how is the plumbing and drains attached ???

  420. Kenny says:

    Actually, since you want to be so rude, jackass, it looks to me like he is a rep for the company, and he is saying the prices are not correct. That they cannot build this for what this Clickbait article claims is the price. He’s saying, that would be a great price to buy the cabin, but it’s not the real price because their COST is higher. When you act like and asshole, don’t be surprised when people call you one, Stupid.

  421. Almost Did It says:

    It’s all misrepresented. We had 160k. We couldn’t even afford a 3brm. You would end up doing so much sweat yourself and if you aren’t handy, forget it. They basically put up the shell. You have to do all the leg work to get permits, foundation, water, electricity, approval from the other properties around you, and the resale value is horrible. It won’t take lots of research to figure out the gig. I was crushed.

  422. NAHRENN says:


    Could I have the details of the interior of this house?
    Where are the toilletes?

  423. Mike robinson says:

    Let me know how you made out with this cabin??

  424. I want more info on the cabins

  425. Michele Davis says:

    I would like more info on the 16,000 cabin, and how finished the inside is. Thank you in advance for your time.

  426. Teresa says:

    Is there a phone number

  427. Jason says:

    Hey there, I thought I would see if you are needing funding for your business. We have experience funding all sorts of businesses.

    If youre interested in looking at how much working capital we can get you, go check us out at

  428. Greg t says:

    Must be log faced to look like a solid log home!

  429. Dana Sanford says:

    If you were going to ship it to the Pacific Northwest like we would, I would use uShip… I use them in September of 2018 to bring out from Iowa to Oregon a three-wheeled powered parachute. It’s like an auction you take the lowest bidder who is willing to bring it out cheaper than everybody else. If you’re willing to have no deadline for shipping, the price goes down significantly…

  430. Scott finger says:

    Do you have updated prices and models ?

  431. Lucian says:

    Please send me more information, ( catalog are some else,thank you.

  432. Yong Choi says:

    I am very interest in this log cabin if u can send me details information

  433. Chance says:

    I would like to talk to somebody who can help me figure out how to buy or Finance This Log Cabin I Want it & I Can Afford it. Please contact me.

  434. Jon says:

    Please send me more info onto this cabin

  435. Isabela Robinson says:

    Whats the company’s website?

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