DIY Pallets Playhouse
Here’s a great DIY project. To build it, you can use recycled materials, such as old pieces of wood and pallets. Your investment won’t be that much, but you still need to buy screws, paint, plexiglass and the roofing so you can expect to spend around $170. You will also ...

How To Make A Bookshelf Chair
This awesome chair is a true masterpiece. It is a bookshelf chair, that can be built at home with a bit of skills and patience. Such a great chair can be very expensive in a furniture store, but making it yourself will save you a lot of money and will feel great after completing the ...

DIY Solar Outdoor Shower
During the hot months of summer, an outdoor shower is all you need to refresh your day. Even though this might seem like a luxury, a fad which not that many people should resort to, the DIY solar outdoor shower is a completely different (and better!) story. Apart for offering the ...

Beautiful Geometry-Inspired Hanging Hammock Sofa
Geometry and art merge beautifully in this next piece which is pure genius a fine example of quality product design. The Kodama Zome is actually more like a hanging sofa. Designed by engineer Richie Duncan, the piece is an outdoor hammock but stronger and more reliable. The name comes ...

DIY Slat Garden Love Seat
Every garden should have a love seat, a cozy and nice place where you can spend time with your loved ones. This beautiful bench is made out of pine slats and plywood, so its durability is guaranteed. In case you would like to use another type of wood instead of pine, keep in mind ...

DIY Twigs Rustic Furniture
Are you searching for a cool way to give your modern interior design a touch of rustic atmosphere? Need not to search for something else, because this simple yet impactful set of coffee table and seating bench will do exactly that. Built out of natural materials, like twigs and thin ...

30 DIY Repurposed Headboard Ideas
Changing your old bed, doesn’t mean you have to throw it out once you got a new one. At least not all its pieces. When it comes to the matress it’s quite obviouse how you can reuse it. But what about the other pieces of the bed, such as the headboard? Well, the headboard ...

How To Build A Backyard Swing Set
An outdoor space will never be complete without a swing. If you have plenty of free space in your backyard, building a swing can be a great idea and your whole family will be pleased. Children will have a place where they can pass the time in the summer and adults can have a nice ...

Amazing Balance Ball Chairs
Gaiam Balance Ball Chair is a nice option for those who work at an office desk and want to stay fit all the time. Working at a desk for 8 hours can give you serious back problems, especially if you don’t have a comfortable chair. The Gaiam Balance Ball Chair was developed to offer ...