DIY Spinning Plastic Bottle Dog Treat Game



Having a pet means lots of caring and attention from your side and playtime is an essential part of every pet’s life. If your dog is always curios and likes to experiment with new toys, this next one will keep him occupied and entertained for hours. It’s a very intelligent, but easy to build toy that you can make at home. The toy will be a spinning plastic bottle structure and the materials you’ll need are very cheap and you can find them in any larger store. For the plastic bottles part, feel free to recycle as it is a great way to make a use of all the bottles lying around your house. Your dog is going to love this brilliant toy and will love you forever for this original surprise. Take a look at the video to see how dogs react to this toy and build your own version by following description from the link.

Jedi Plays Spin the Bottle – Jaxdogmom Blog

The Spin Out Game – Hours of Fun for Dogs, Raccoons, and Other Animals! by FoxysMyGirl


    • Don’t be silly. It engages them. Dogs have always been investigators. This gives them something to do and rewards them for figuring it out. Tons of commercial products like this on the market. Gives the dog a sense of accomplishment.

    • David on said:

      Cruel? Thats like claiming Pringles are cruel for humans! You’ve got to take the lid off, peel back the foil, reach in! Then when youre near the bottom you might have to turn it upside down if you cant reach them! Cruel indeed!

  • Cruel is placing an intelligent dog in the house all the time with nothing to do but get in trouble. This toy works the brain and body. Very cool!

  • Cruel is placing an intelligent dog in the house all the time with nothing to do but get in trouble. This toy works the brain and body. Very cool!

  • Kim Bercharlie on said:

    Does that dog look like it’s in pain? Or aggravated? Becoming aggressive ? Actually looks like it’s having a pretty good time… Cruel would be.. not having something to keep the dog busy… Then it getting under foot… You getting pissed and beating it for being in your way… That’s cruel..

  • We have one of these for our dog! If we split her dinner between her bowl and the toy she will go to this toy first, every time. Sometimes she won’t even finish whats in her bowl until we put it in the toy. Depending on the size of the kibble, we have some lids with various size holes so it all doesn’t rush out at once (we have a little dog so small kibble!).

  • Marjorie on said:

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    fair cost these chips are worth considering.

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