DIY T-Shirt Bow Sleeves without Sewing


When you see a project to re-purpose or re-design clothes, you would probably be scared by all the sowing to be done. But in 6 easy steps, you will learn how to fashion a t-shirt with bow sleeves, without having to use a needle and thread one bit. Here is the list of necessary materials:

• t-shirt (obviously);
• a measuring tape;
• scissors;
• a tube of fabric glue;

Take the tape and measure 2.5 inches from the top of the sleeve of your shirt, downward to the armpit. Make a slit in this place, avoiding the seam that is already there. Repeat the process for the other sleeve as well.

Make the strap for the bow from a fine strip that you remove with the scissors from the bottom of the shirt. The third step is to fold this strip in half. Now, unfold it and use the scissors again to cut out strips of exactly 2.5 inches.

Afterward, pinch the center of the freshly cut sleeve, from the slit to the side. Take a strip and begin wrapping the sleeve with it. Stick some fabric glue on the strip, like in the picture, before completing the wrap. Do the same for the other sleeve. Leave to dry. You’re done!


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