Rustic Countertop For Cabins


When talking about interior design, a most common overlooked item is the kitchen counter. Sure, some people just choose a color of marble and let the builders do their job. Here’s a log countertop which fits perfectly for a log cabin or any kitchen which has a rustic design …








  • Melissa on said:

    I would also love to have some info on how to make the counter tops. I’m in love with that look and we would like to make our own. Thank you

  • I have slab pine countertops with the de-barked edge. Looks like they used polyurethane; I used multiple coats of Waterlox. I had to search for someone who mills the wood, and the carpenters had a hard time with it. Mine are not as dramatic but I love them.

  • Marie on said:

    Nice counter top, I would have used natural stones not bricks as well as a concrete sink instead of the repurposed sink.

  • i had one done fro me in my cabin, from trees from my land. I used fir, since i was told it is tough and dense wood. I learned that it is best to use wood that has been kiln dried, or dry and stabilised for many years at least! Even a thick slab changes when brought in to an interior environ. It can warp, shrink, expand, and sometimes even ooze sap. So, make sure if you mill your own wood to also get it dried properly. Then there was a lot of sanding, which is easy but took some time. Then we installed, with hidden nails/screws where needed( minimal) I sealed mine in several coats of tung oil, because i wanted a natural look, food safe. You put a coat on, let it dry, lightly sand, then do another, repeat many times for a real sealant. I think we might have done 7 or 8 coats in the end. It works great, as long as i dont leave something like a beet on it overnight, it doesnt stain. ( havent tried that, hope i dont ever try it, lol !) Plus, if i got a stain or mark i didnt like, , i could likely sand it out, and refinish with more tung oil, pretty easy. I love the look, and it fits beautifully into my woodsy cabin. I recommend people give it try!

  • Gary Robinson on said:

    If anyone would want to build Antique American Chestnut countertops I have plank 1 inch thich 14 to 18 inches wide and over 18 ft long . Fantastic for making one of a kind countertops They’re from 1700s Pennsylvania log home . I extremely hard and absolutely beautiful . But I would part with it for the right money

  • Mary on said:

    I look up this web site and it can’t be found has any one ever found it because it has the x on it and all the scams I have seen lately have that mark so beware before you give that bank info up

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