16′ Tiny House On Wheels With Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIPs)
Canadian designers have come up with a perfect build of a tiny home which resists optimal in cold weather. The people from Leaf House Small Space Design & Build managed to blend an innovative approach to the structure of a 97 square feet house on wheels. Version.3 as it is called ...

Boot Repurposed Into A Cute Birdhouse
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Does your yard have an almost fairytale ambiance with flowers blooming and birds singing happily every morning? Well, if you have at least some birds wandering around, looking for food, why not make them a surprise ...

How To Make Jell-O Strawberry Parfait
When confronted with a lack of ideas in the cooking department, a nice fresh project is welcomed. This is the mission of many websites, but the important ones, the ones which you revisit with pleasure, offer you something extra: creative and good-looking recipes. Take the Jell-O Strawberry ...

Braided Spaghetti Bread Recipe
There are some days when you simply need to leave your diet behind and indulge in lots of calories. What could be better for a day full of cravings, then this tasty baked spaghetti and garlic bread? It’s a very successful combo that will leave your mouth watering. It is also ...

Vintage Mary Jane Baby Booties (free pattern)
Baby clothes are expensive items which many parents don’t account for or underestimate the most. Luckily, there are friends you can rely on who might help you with a few items of clothing for your little one. But if you really want to be independent and still go through the ...

DIY Cute Golf Balls Ladybugs
The cold weather makes us think about spring almost constantly. This also means, searching for nice crafts project that can bring a spring-like atmosphere in your home. But as the interior space shouldn’t be the focus of attention in spring, your garden should play a bigger ...

Old Push Cart Tucked Turned Into A Mobile Planner / Journaling Center
Organizing your stuff, whether it’s your crafting tools or your documents, shouldn’t be an intricate process. Tools are available for you to use in this regard. Don’t despair if you haven’t got what you need, just make it yourself with what you have around ...

Tour of an Off Grid Solar Cabin
With a lot of people not affording financially a large house or apartment like they used to in the 1990s and which you commonly see paraded provocatively on TV shows or movies, the tiny home option has become increasingly attractive. An off the grid tiny house is even more sought ...

How to Crochet Lego Pattern
If you have a little Lego fan at home, trying out this next tutorial it’s a must. Kids simply love Legos and that’s great, as playing will them contributes to the development of your child’s creativity. But one of the reasons Legos are so popular among the children ...