Tour of an Off Grid Solar Cabin


With a lot of people not affording financially a large house or apartment like they used to in the 1990s and which you commonly see paraded provocatively on TV shows or movies, the tiny home option has become increasingly attractive. An off the grid tiny house is even more sought because it gives the owner a financial freedom that they wouldn’t find with another accommodation option. In the video provided here you can witness the installing of a rain gutter for the rain water collection at the site of an Off Grid Solar Cabin. The building is completely self-sustained, with a couple of 250 watt solar panels supplying a 500 watt Solar Panel System and a wind power turbine. The inhabitants are keeping their food cold with the help of a Coleman refrigerator and have a Wood stove installed inside for heating. A composting toilet is fitted inside as well so the off-grid characteristic of the home is 100% accurate. Take the video tour provided here; you will be impressed by how awesome a tiny home like this one can look.



One Response to “Tour of an Off Grid Solar Cabin”

  1. blaine says:

    Hello- can I ask where you bought your tiny home structure…It is a nice one for the price. I am trying to find something to call my own home. I will be homeless once my father home sells. Thank you Blaine

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