Repurpose STRAWBERRY / ROTISSERIE CHICKEN Container as Mini Greenhouses to Start Seeds

Needless to say, I absolutely LOVE spring! It means I get to start working in my garden again, and the world turns green and beautiful again. I want to share a super easy way to start some of your seeds inside to get them ready for the garden. Plant them in plastic containers.
Make sure they’re the ones that are a bitt taller – at least 3″. Just fill the bottom about 2/3 with a seed starting soil (not potting soil) and plant the seeds following the instructions on the package. Since the bottom already has holes, the water drains easily. The lid keeps a bit more moisture in to help the seeds germinate, and to keep prying little fingers out of the dirt. Just set them somewhere where they get some indirect sunlight, make sure they stay moist, and wait for the magic!

One other useful thing about starting your seeds in strawberry containers, is that if you use a bigger one, you can start several different types of seeds, and just write on the lid what you planted where! This is my “salad” container – 5 different types of lettuce and some spinach.

by Megan


    • Rene Tetreault on said:

      The Balcony Garden Web site states, “The term “seed starting mix” or “seed starting soil” is used interchangeably. When compared to potting soil, seed starting mix is poor in nutrients, as low as possible (or have controlled nutrients for specific plants). The other difference is that seed soil is sterilized and have a very fine substrate” (

  • Adaline on said:

    Did you find out what’s the difference between potting soil and seed soil I would like to know cause I’ve got lots of potting soil and that was a good question hope to hear a response

  • Mona Brandt on said:

    You do not need to buy these container per say. I save my containers that I have gotten cooked chicken in and doughnuts, fruit containers. This way you get food to eat and containers to save until it is time to start seeds in time for your flowers and or garden plants. You can save them for next year or save more for next year. I’ve used these to plant for years. You can buy containers but you won’t get the food that comes in them and they do not cost you anything. Make sure you vent these containers. Make holes in the lids with a nail, needle or whatever. Enjoy starting whatever your going to seed. Hope this works for you and good luck and a lot of fun learning from a Master gardener from the great State Of Montana.

  • The point of using these containers is to use what you already have, and not buy NEW. Unfortunately, most of the food we already eat comed in all sorts of plastic containers. Reduce waste and re-purpose. Mine are currently in takeout containers, tomato clamshells from the store, a plastic brownie box. Really, there is no point in buying containers, you can find them practically anywhere.

  • The seed starting soil is much lighter so the roots can easily be started. It doesn’t need nutrients because the seed has all it needs to germinate. Once your plant has its first set of “true” leaves, you need to begin fertilizing, or repot into potting soil with fertilizer. I recommend organic fertilizer for anything you plan to eat.

  • Great use for these containers – have planted some myself. Another way to keep these from the landfill if you have excess is to take them to your local Farmer’s Markets. Growers/sellers there are usually happy to have your ‘used’ containers for their products – egg cartons too!

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