Off Grid Tiny Cabin Made from Pallets and Reclaimed Lumber


What do you do if you have some leftover pallets from a previous project? You can make a smaller DIY project, like a pallet table or couch or think bigger and make an entire pallet cabin. As this next great example shows you, cabins can be made out of anything, even pallets and that’s exactly what Kevin Bentley used to build his own. The tiny 12×12 cabin was built out of leftover pallets and wood from another project, but the outcome is truly fantastic. This is a very great idea to try in your own yard in case you want to make use of all the space out there or for instance build a small storage unit. Such a tiny cabin can also be used as a guest house as it will prove to be useful in any situation. Watch the video to learn more about the details and the process of constructing a pallet cabin.







  • jim neilson on said:

    Be careful! Pallets are used for international shipping and are fumigated with god knows what chemicals/poisons in the different countries they travel through. Heat Treat stamps mean nothing entire containers are fumigated irregardless of what is in them.

  • i have learned the hard way ,all from using recycled pallets , i was build rooms in the cellar , at work they were tossing wood from a shipping container out . wow i hit a gold mine of 2×4’s and plywood . all the wood came from south america .(WARNING ) TREES FROM SOUTH AMERICA CAN BE SOMETHING WE DO NOT WANT TO TOUCH . after cutting to size i came down with weird blister s all over my body that wasnt covered by clothing . ps i wearing a dust mask … i found out the wood i was cutting was poison ivy . i spent 2 months away from my job until i was cleared by the dr’s to return to work . in the long run i didnt save one dime . now if im scrapping wood i make sure it is american wood .and i stay away from pallets with the stamp on the side from over seas

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