DIY Lazy Susan Pantry


Clutter is the worst and most powerful enemy for any pantry and person who likes to make interesting and creative projects in the kitchen. Instead of pilling off loads of food to the point you are overwhelmed with the multitude of boxes, packs and jars of great ingredients you could use, but can’t really find when you get ready to bake something awesome, use this nice trick. A `Lazy Susan` disk can and will solve this problem, adding much needed feeling of space and organization to your pantry. But what is a Lazy Susan – you ask? It’s a turntable or rotating tray which can be placed on a table or countertop to help in moving food or other stuff around. You can find them in store or make one at home. It’s kind of difficult to make, but either way, it will involve some regular turning tools and a screw chuck. Either way, as you can see from the pictures, the result is amazing! You have a neatly organized pantry and you didn’t redesign your home, but only the shelves. This solution is recommended for small rooms with corners. A six-pack of these ingenious devices will remove a lot of stress from your life!


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