Outdoor Hot Tub Ideas: Dutchtub


Innovation is all around us, even in a department where we commonly think all has been thought of already, like the bathe and lounging domain. Maybe a premiere revelation to some viewers, the Dutch Hot Tub has surprised an entire world with its design and awesome features. The utility of having an energy independent hot tub will marvel most of you. And make you want to buy it, even though you most probably don’t need it that badly. Made of stainless steal, the durable poly-fiber hull makes it perfect for outside use, regardless of the harsh weather conditions. Place it in your backyard or transport it with you on a weekend camping trip, either way it will be a stylish addition to your luggage. Weighing 150 pounds a couple of persons could easily transport it to any place you want to make your bubbly hot nest. The temperature is adjustable via the heating coils which can be spiraled up the burning fire, and so the heat is turned down. Thus, giving you a pleasant bath time in the giant coffee or tea cup looking hot tub!












24 Responses to “Outdoor Hot Tub Ideas: Dutchtub”

  1. le says:

    stainless STEEL.

  2. Donna says:

    How does the hot water circulate ? Is there a pump? I love the design. It’s perfect for small places and camping. I just can’t see how it circulates?

  3. Me says:

    No this stainless was stolen lol

  4. Sarah says:

    Are we forgetting that unless you empty the tub Everytime you use it, it will be full of dead skin, body oil and bacteria…ew!

  5. rus says:

    Does anyone else see that this is a molcajete??? Lol :’D

  6. Daniel Morris says:

    I want one! UK back gardens are not quite as attractive though.

  7. Craig Smith says:

    True, since no pump/filter the water has to be dumped every time. Wasteful. They took away the outer step for photo purposes, but I don’t see a step inside the tub. Getting in/out looks dangerous.

  8. eddy says:

    Clearly the portability implies tip and refill, unless you plan to carry extra hundreds of pounds of dirty water with you everywhere you go? Don’t splash!

  9. Ken says:

    You can use this system on any tub. It works better if the heating device is below the bottom of the tub (or downstairs). Mine is about 5 feet below and works great. I used galvanized pipe, but large copper tubing works great also. The copper will not get too hot because it is constantly being fed by cooler water from the bottom exit of the tub. Mine is solar heated by an array covered by glass at the low point in the return line to the tub. As long as you have heat, you have circulation. Cold water sinks, hot water rises.

  10. Liz says:

    If you’re heating with a wood fire and circulating the water through convection, remember to give it a good stir before getting in. Perhaps use an oar as a stirring paddle. If not stirred, you’ll have very hot water at the top of tub, lukewarm at the middle depth and cold water at the bottom. As far as preventing the gunk like dead skin, body oils, etc. use Japanese techniques for bathing. Heat the water, stir it, use a dipper to pour warm water over your body outside the tub, soap up then rinse off using the dipper, then get into the tub. Voila, leave the dirt and gunk outside the tub! Clean bodies in the tub keep the water much cleaner. Use the tub for soaking, not cleaning.

  11. Justin says:

    It’s called the Bernoulli affect

  12. Chris says:

    if u were to install a pool type filter (no pump ) would it circulate thru the filter? ive been wanting to build my own for quite some time. doing as much research as possible before I build

  13. Duxkface says:

    That’s a great idea. I think you deserve to be anointed in oil.

  14. Henry says:

    It does not need a pump of any kind it works through water pressure caused through a temperature differential between the top and bottom inlet.

  15. Rob says:

    It helps if you shower before.

  16. K says:

    Hot water raises so it naturally circulates.
    Call it convection

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