Sandbox With Cover And Benches


Kids love to play and they seem to always end up getting dirty – for some reason – during this process. Nobody says playing is a bad thing, but a complicated one. And every parent knows how hard getting their clothes, especially pants, if they are dirty with sand, clean! Luckily for all parents out there, this German product is here to help you. Handcrafted from certified wood, this creative sandpit is particularly special. The 140 by 140 cm product is both practical and functional. The benches can be easily folded after use due to the hinged cover. Also, this protects the sand after playtime is over, from exterior contamination. Made from solid pine wood and with a weatherproof treatment, the domestic use only pit comes at a cost of only 117 Euro / $113 (depends on where you live). The sandpit keeps all toys and (why not?) sand constructions intact overnight, making a playtime extend for a couple of days. Its 24 cm height make it not recommendable for children less than 3 years, but either than that, there aren’t any downsides of this product.





  • Martie Gonzales on said:

    this price is not consistent with the Euro. 150 Euro is not $113.00, The dollar is weaker than the Euro, so the cost is more closely to $190.00

  • Alberto Aguirre on said:

    I saw the one on Amazon pictured at the top,,,there are a couple variations on this page as well. I am looking for the plans for such a sandpit, so that I can buy my own lumber and hardware and build it myself. Is there any place that this is available?

  • Chloe Baines on said:

    I had a carpenter make one of these in our garden. There is a huge problem…………….You CANNOT water proof them! I tried everything and nothing worked so the sand was always wet when it rained and eventually it started growing grass!

    • Mary Deisinger on said:

      I’m thinking it would be just like the sandboxes you find at parks. If they are not used daily this will happen. Just pull the grass as you would any weed in a garden. Or perhaps rake it every couple of days.

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