Storage Ideas to Keep Fruits and Vegetables Fresh


A healthy livelihood is tightly connected to fresh food. Eating fruits and vegetables is crucial to developing a highly nutritious diet, besides other foods, of course. But you’re looking for a way to store your produce that is inexpensive as well as not `hungry` for many materials  in the building process? This collection of ideas we offer for your view is just what you need. Getting rid of the plastic bags is definitely a priority in the transition and proper storage process. Then, you should have in mind a dry area for storage. Ventilation is important just as much as a commonly darker space. Check out these innovative ideas for storing produce. You could convert your usual spaces, like drawers and cabinets or you could make new storage options. Use the projects featured here as your inspiration and guideline.

We will show 4 different ways:

Open Mesh On Drawers
Open Weave Baskets On Drawers
Baskets On Walls


1. Open Mesh On Drawers



fresh-ideas-for-storing-home-design-3 Storage Bins Project Plan – A country classic for the kitchen! 10 inches deep by 15 inches wide .. more details here…





8 Responses to “Storage Ideas to Keep Fruits and Vegetables Fresh”

  1. Ashley says:


  2. ishka says:

    I don’t understand why but pintrest always refuses to pin pages from your website, even though there are all sorts of pintrest logos on your pages.

  3. heidi says:

    Luv these

  4. Betsy says:

    Wonderful ideas! This year I’m growing my own onions and potatoes, so I was looking for a nice looking ideas for storage. I guess my husband will be busy this weekend! 😉

  5. Robert says:

    Wow, onions and potatoes not only in the same drawer, but the same bin! Who’s the idiot that staged these photos!?! You NEVER store potatoes and onions together. Onions give off gas that causes potatoes to spoil!

    • maggie says:

      was thinking same thing- but they are staged photos meaning they are done for color, composition and lighting to showcase the storage not the food

  6. Blessed Acres Farm says:

    Onions and potatoes should NOT be stored together.

  7. Rhondee Paw says:

    So my question is… how do you keep these bins clean… they dont look like they come out

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