Someone 3D Printed a Millennium Falcon Wireless Mouse and Now Every Star Wars Fan Wants One

In another episode of ‘Things I Don’t Need But Want Desperately,’ here’s the Millennium Falcon wireless mouse. Designed by ‘parkeryaojj’, this mouse captures the essence of Han Solo’s iconic spaceship from Star Wars, featuring left and right-click paddles and a scroll wheel integrated seamlessly into the ship’s design. While it lacks the laser blasters and minifigures of Solo and Chewbacca, some DIY paintwork could easily remedy that. Surprisingly, this isn’t official Star Wars merchandise but a fan-made creation, requiring some assembly. The outer shell is 3D printed using files available from Maker World, and it houses the internals from Bambu Labs’ Wireless Mouse Kit, which includes the optical sensor, PCB, buttons, and battery enclosure.

The Millennium Falcon’s shape indeed lends itself well to a wireless mouse, offering a functional and visually appealing design. The 3D-printed shell can be made from ABS or PLA and comes in multiple parts that snap together, with options to print in any color or even transparent filament for a unique look. You can paint the details on a single-color print or use a multi-filament setup for a more detailed finish. Assembly is straightforward, resulting in a mouse that, while not ergonomically or technically superior to high-end gaming mice, boasts a unique flair sure to delight Star Wars enthusiasts and tech geeks alike. The Bambu Labs kit, starting at just $12, provides a DPI range of 800-1600, making this Millennium Falcon mouse not only a collectible but also a practical and surprisingly capable piece of tech.

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