5 Valentine’s Day Handprint Crafts


Valentine’s Day will be here soon, so you should prepare in time with this year’s crafts. But while decorating your home, don’t forget about your loved ones and make them some cute Valentine’s Day cards. You can try it out next simple but great idea, by making a card that is handprinted by you. This card can even be made with the help of your kids, as they are going to have a lot of fun creating the prints. Just take a piece of cardboard and cut it to get a square shape, then use dip your hands and feet in acrylic paint. It will look even cuter if you use your kids small feet and hands, so you’ll get an adorable LOVE print on your card. Just make sure you use some chemical-free paint and everything should be just fine. Have a great Valentine’s Day!

valentine1Photo: TheSuedeSofa

valentine3Photo: TheSuedeSofa

valentine4Photo: TheSuedeSofa

valentine5Photo: TheSuedeSofa


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