88 Years Old And She Still Lives Off The Grid Alone since 1960




“Quaint little church that she had put in her barn. Homemade benches came from an area church, they were made by a relative. She goes here to rest and reflect.”

“In all my 60 yrs I have never been so in awe as well as impressed with a person’s independence and faith. Bless this sweet lady and may I learn and remember how to feel thankful and blessed as this sweet woman is.” says Jeanie Lawson

124 Responses to “88 Years Old And She Still Lives Off The Grid Alone since 1960”

  1. T says:

    You might want to consider proof-reading your articles before publishing them.

    • Chelly says:

      REALLY!! This was an amazing article…… Did you have to NEGITIVE comment?

      • Chris says:

        It was wonderful to read about this amazing woman. Proof-reading doesn’t hurt. This is how to spell “negative” (sorry Chelly).

    • Daisy says:

      You might consider getting a life before you judge others…

    • Marjamat says:

      I was thinking the same thing. Sloppy

      • Margaret says:

        Who really cares, the story is the important part, if the I admire this woman to end and it offends me that you are more concerned about spelling and vocabulary. I really get annoyed with language police.

        • Frances says:

          The inability to use language correctly is contributing to the dumbing-down of society. If you can’t speak or write coherently, how can you think intelligently?

          • Debbie says:

            How does one Define intelligence ? Some people just talk differently than others. who gives a rats………..

          • Evelyn says:

            T you and Frances probably shouldn’t have read this piece because it appears to have made you both sound like pure idiots.

        • Lisa says:

          Some people …geesh pick pick pick!

        • Bella says:

          It seems to me that people who are annoyed by language police are the ones with the worst grammar.

      • Frances says:

        I agree. Sloppy writing leads to sloppy thinking. It’s part of the post-modern dumbing-down of society. People are becoming careless in their speech and writing, and apathetic about their errors. Not many people value intelligent thought or articulate expression of thought anymore. It’s really sad. We are devolving as a species. I think our dependence on technology to do our thinking for us is the main cause. A secondary cause is our fast-paced society. Everyone has to text or type his/her thoughts quickly. People aren’t able to think or write in-depth anymore. Conversation consists of quick short-hand messages. I blame texting and the social media. No one has time to think, speak, or write intelligently and coherently. People skim through posts quickly and don’t have the attention span required to even read full articles. To make matters worse, people have stopped caring. They don’t even bother to correct their errors or try to use language correctly. They don’t want to think intelligently or read anything that requires thought. I fear for the future of the human race.

    • Pat Caffee says:

      Choose your battles, life is short

    • J H says:

      That lady has got more work ethic than you could muster on the best of days , you would not last a month living off the grid and you worry about ” proof reading ” , people like yourself is what’s wrong with America , lazy, effortless, self entitled welfare grabbers .

  2. sheetal says:

    Reminds me of my Granny who used to do similar things she would’ve been in her 80’s would she have been still alive TODAY…I miss HER ….admire people’s courage to live in Simplicity!! God Bless Her

  3. Cindy says:

    “She does not live off the system whatsoever and draws no food stamps or social security.” What an ugly thing to say, as though those who draw social security – which is OUR money and NOT living off the system, thank you – or food stamps are freeloaders. How ugly. What if this woman should get ill and need medical care with no social security or other benefits offered by the government? Deos she not deserve them after living a long life bothering no one?

    It was wonderful to see a bit of her life, but how nasty of the writer to say that.

    • Maria Herman says:

      Funny, I didn’t get that inference at all. Simply an observation by the author. If you read the sentence again, it could easily mean that she doesn’t live off the system nor does she draw …social security.
      You don’t realize that most people who live in a healthy manner rarely need the medical care. Besides who says she would not have access to medical?
      We all look through different lenses, I guess….no nastiness observed here.

    • Alacia says:

      She wasn’t trying to offend. If you took it offensively, it is because you are probably living off the system yourself, no offense intended, and could be an overly-sensitive snowflake, no offense intended. This lady is trying to share something beautiful and you are making it all about you. Wow. Grow up.

    • Katie says:

      First of all, social security was set up by FDR as a temporary system to help people get back on their feet after the crash of 1929 & the depression. People were NOT suppose to be using it as their form of retirement. People should work, save, and take care of themselves and not be expecting the government to take care of them or the citizens to either. And those who DO receive other benefits should only get them temporary–those who expect a handout and expect to get them forever only perpetuate a lifetime of poverty & laziness for themselves, their children and their families; abuse of the system.

      It is a delight that this woman chooses to live alone on her own terms, I guess you can say those who take advantage of the government on their own terms as well–one is just more noble than the other. She gets my admiration & utmost respect.

      And for those of you who are going to sling mud and complain, well, remember this what the good book says, if you don’t work you should not eat. From the Bible.

      • Trese Young says:

        Aren’t you are judgmental person! I hope you know what FOAD means. I have never received public assistance, but am very willing to help those in need. What a self-obsessed, self-richteous, arrogant human you are.

      • Linda says:

        Social security is a forced contribution not an elected one such as 401k and we who contributed deserve to be paid back. That was the deal. Why anyone thinks it is an entitlement like food and housing assistance is just not thinking clearly.

    • Barb says:

      That was not nasty at all. I guess if you look for something bad you’ll find it. Your interpretation! The writer only explains that the woman is totally financially independent. The story wasn’t at all meant to be critical or demeaning. Pray she doesn’t get ill, which she may possibly have that issue taken care of.the writer, as I ,am totally impressed with this woman and her chosen way of life! God Bless Her !

    • Pen says:

      It’s just a fact.

    • JImmy says:

      If she would get sick and needs medical care she would automatically get it duet her age. Also due to her age she should be able to get SS and possibly food stamps, but maybe she has never applied or desires to do so. The article written is trying to make a point. I think the point is, she is not freeloading off the system as MANY do and THINK they deserve it. If you’re overly sensitive I have to wonder what your story is. But in reality don’t really care. It was a good article about a woman trying to be self sufficient.

    • meg says:

      Get a life Cindy!

    • susan says:

      this was an informative article of an interesting woman. Your response makes no sense whatsoever, but it seems that it hit a nerve with you, that you have been offended by this article. I do not think the writer is ugly or nasty, but your comment is.

    • Lynn says:

      I agree. She couldn’t get any Social Security money anyway since she never paid into the system, so why bring it up?

    • Scott says:

      Utterly disagree with you.

      It is to this woman’s credit that she has committed her life to being independent, and not dependent on money involuntarily taken from people’s paychecks and given to her by a socialist state system.

    • Debby says:

      I was thinking the same thing, what a horrible thing to say. Sounds like the writer is a trumklan.

    • Mary says:

      This show how strong and self sufficient some people are while others are so soft and spoiled with the things money buys.

    • lori says:

      Do you even understand what “the system” means?

    • J H says:

      The writer tells it the way it is and I’m sure could care less if you’re offended .

    • Debbie says:

      Omg wow! People get over yourselves. Again this isnt about you l. Im on medicaid and medicare . I dont care what anyone thinks. Why should you . And dont think thats what its about. You must have an high anxiety life.

  4. Andy Carr says:

    I enjoyed learning from this article. One of the things I learned is there are lots of critics who need everything prim and proper and formatted. Perish the thought of someone writing down and publishing their thoughts! Let’s just call it “off the grid” writing and enjoy the story of this lady.
    When society fails, people from flyover country will save America with their knowledge and can do spirit.

  5. AJ Brady says:

    Social security is not an entitlement, like the media portrays it. SS when it was set up was considered insurance. The Amish had to go to court to get out of paying for it or being included in it, because it was against their religion. It wasn’t until the politicians “borrowed the money” from the people that they started that awful rumor of calling it an entitlement and treating it like medicaid. The American people must stay abreast of things otherwise politicians will ruin us for the power and money they want.

  6. Bonnie says:

    Great article! Ignore the haters.

  7. SweetPea says:

    The lady may have never worked a 9-5 & may not have much to draw & doesn’t apply for food stamps bc she is provided for& living well. There’s no mention that she doesn’t need medicare. Let’s not jump to conclusions & become nasty..

  8. Sharon Eastman says:

    It’s damn sad when normally good people say things that ate so thoughtlessly biased. Try not to hold it against this othereise inspirational story.

  9. Tracy Costilow says:

    I loved this article! When the SHTF, not many will be able to survive like that anymore!

  10. Chelly says:

    Thank you for sharing this amazing woman with us! What an inspiration!!!

  11. Lea Harris says:

    I cannot image. To be able to live off the grid successfully for so many years because that is what makes you happy is absolutely amazing. What a strong woman. God Bless her.

  12. Alacia says:

    Oh, and by the way writer, thank you so much for sharing about Miss Jeanie,. She sounds like a remarkable lady. You do too. Learn everything you can from her because you will never find anyone else that knows such things anymore. Her pearls need not to be lost if you learn them and pass them on. 🙂

  13. Lawd... says:

    How offended people get just because it is said “she doesn’t live off the system.” It isn’t that she doesn’t deserve medical, it’s simply her way of life. There are alot of people who ABUSE the system. More often than not… alot of people get more money than they actually paid into THE SYSTEM. Some peope really need to understand that NO ONE is entitled to ANYTHING. You weren’t born with entitlements. The system is a bonus and that alone. It’s rather pathetic to hear people assume they should be handed money, food ect. and expect so much. Honestly more people should try it and be taught this way of life… There might be a whole lot LESS anger, viloence and entitled attitudes.

  14. Sylvia says:

    I read this twice now. What a wonderful story. I loved reading it and it is inspiring! I wish to live like this would be possible where GOD placed my family and myself. Back to basics, learning about and using all things GOD provided, simply wonderful. Thank you for sharing this article. I am grateful I was able to read it.

  15. Kristin says:

    How was that comment nasty? It was stated as a fact. She doesn’t rely on them, or use them. The author didn’t berate or make negative or snide comments to those that do…. that would have been nasty… and rude. Just making a simple statement about the fact that this woman chooses not to use government funds… is not. Just a factual statement. You getting so offended by this statement is the same as me getting offended if you were to say that you choose to eat a healthy diet and not consume sugar…and me be offended because I’m overweight. It’s stupid.

  16. Merete says:

    If she goes to the Hospital she will be taken care of,that’s the law but she probably won’t .She is so used to take care of herself and do bartering for anything else she need plush have family who gives her whatever she needs.She has pride and does not want any Government interference in her life ,she is doing just fine ,thank you.You on the other hand sounds very touchy about Foodstamp etc,Why????

  17. Gina says:

    Thanks for posting! I notice she wears an Amish dress! We cann learn alot from such folk. I too live off grid in TN. Once you know how and get used to it, city life just wont do! Thanks! And Cindy…Im sure the author meant no offense.

    • Debbie says:

      Just trying to wrap my head around the fact that you live off the grid Gina…..but, your on here writing to all of your good friends here. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  18. Jennifer says:

    Wow what negative comments. I didn’t take any of the comments as nasty. The author was just stating fact. What a brave lady. Thanks for the article.

  19. Essie says:

    She just saying the lady is self sufficient

  20. Rachael says:

    Get over yourself Cindy.

  21. Dorina Bollig says:

    Thanks Cindy ( April 19, 2017)

  22. Lindsay says:

    The article just stated that she doesn’t live off the system l. It didn’t say anything disrespectful about people that do. It’s an article about living off the grid. Relax

  23. Rose Yeager says:


  24. Jackie says:

    That was my first thought also.

  25. Sheri says:

    Thank you for saying that. I noticed the implied criticism of others as well.

  26. John says:

    Think you’re over reacting just a BIT there Cindy.

  27. Denide says:

    Wow! Sensitive much? They were just pointing out thatshe doesn’t partake in any programs for money or food. Smh. I don’t recall the author saying there was something wrong with collecting it in the article… Quit reading your own negative spin into everything.

  28. Alisha W. says:

    I really enjoyed this story. God bless this wonderful woman. Wish I could meet her and hear all the wonderful stories she has. Thank you for sharing

  29. Jen says:

    I don’t think it was meant nasty at all. Just some details about how she gets by.

  30. Tish says:

    It was rude to say that about living off system but in all honesty this is where the church has failed to care for orphans and widows and expecting the government to pick up slack. She was fortunate to have a father give her a house. There’s a lot women who don’t have fathers these days sadly. This person who wrote this is just ignorant of people who live real lives and they know nothing about life apparently

  31. Nikki says:

    I understand how misleading she wrote the statement about state aid, but I believe she didn’t mean harm when she said it. I talk out of my ass sometimes and people are way off. But they are human enough to understand that I am not perfect and screw up. I look at the point of the article (an elderly lady who continues to live the life she was raised up in) as well as the tone (which is nay Always on point) . From what I gathered from reading this is that the writer is impressed by this beloved lady whom lives and cares for many things all by herself, literally. Most of us today have convenience included in our lives and yet this lady is making soap from wood ash to clean her dishes and dogs. I bet your soap comes from a place from a person who made it to sell so you could run out and conveniently Buy it, not plan time to make it or else you’ll have nothing to wash with. That’s impressive to me.
    In all , have some mercy on a writer who is starting out or even seasoned, because we can only do our best.

  32. Jamie says:

    “She does not live off the system whatsoever and draws no food stamps or social security.” I’m sure the writer’s intent wasn’t meant to be misunderstood or perceived to be ‘ugly or nasty’.. The writer was simply stating the facts, that this woman doesn’t receive social security or food stamps, and is completely independent.

  33. kelli anne moody says:

    Hi, if she receives no monies how does she pay for the store bought eggs on the counter?maybe sell her soaps?

    • Nancy says:

      Kelli Anne Moody I suspect that she has hens that lay eggs and friends that bring her the egg cartons and may sell or give her eggs to them.

  34. Nubz713 says:

    I don’t understand where you say this comes off offensive? The writer was just stating she lives totally off the grid . No SS benifets being drawn or food stamp subsidies being used. She is totally independent. Propably a lot healthier than any one us as well. To live “off the grid” means to be independent of using any resources other than your own. If you or your husband pay into social security then you recieve what you paid in.

  35. Betty says:

    I fully admire this lady and appreciate, errors and all, that you took the time to pass this along. I don’t feel that you were being ugly when you said “No food stamps, etc.,” but rather showing what she had done, and giving hope to those who might not be getting help. I found this inspirational and will pass it on to others. God bless you and God continue to bless this lady. BTW, I am in my 80’s and I think that makes the difference in my comments and 2 of the ones above.

  36. flip says:

    You might want to not read it if it bothers you. Not everyone is perfect like you seem to be.

  37. Sally says:

    I think the writer was only making a statement and not trying to be ugly. Maybe this lady never paid into the system and has always lived off the grid. It’s an admirable lifestyle she’s leading. Get your panties out of a wad, jeez.

  38. Jan Vickers says:

    I’m assuming you do. That was not nasty it was an important fact.

  39. Beth says:

    I think you’re reading way to much into that. She was trying to make the point that this woman is completely self sufficient, doesn’t get any help of any kind from the government or anyone it seems. She lives completely of the land. Really, no money even needed.

  40. Tanys says:

    Its a statement, not people are bad who draw SSI its people like you, that cry and make it all about what they didnt get or how they were wronged. Get over it, no where did the writer bad month you.

  41. Oakley says:

    Nice article. Always good to be reminded, that much of the things we waste our time to aquire are not needed. A quiet simple life is healthy and a blessing.

  42. Cindy says:

    I love the article. Thanks

  43. Molly says:

    This is awesome! I’d love to live off the land and be self sufficient! I love things of yesteryear, we could learn a lot from her. What peace she must have! Thanks for sharing! I was not at all insulted by the writer saying she didn’t collect social security or food stamps, she was just stating a fact.

  44. Erin says:

    WOW!!! What an amazing story about a woman who is so self sufficient and does not rely on the any kind of modern day technology. It very inspiring article. It’s unfortunate others have to post negative comments.

  45. Mark says:

    She probably never paid into anything or wanted to and I think she should be proud to say she has not lived off the system

  46. Srephanie says:

    Well hitler thought the same way about the needy the poor the disabled oh and thr jew.

  47. Heidi says:

    That’s what you got from this article? Really?
    Editing recommendations or offences to social system status?
    May she continue her blessed life free from any connections to govt control. Hope she also lost or gave up her last name which is only another form of same control. May any ignorant readers be guided to their bliss and know soon enough we will all be speaking text and emoji symbols soon enough. H

  48. Gordo Humphrey says:

    You say she didn’t “like on the system ” which btw is super judgemental, but where did her food come from. Did she raise her own meat, fruits, veggies and grains? None of this information is in this article. If she doesn’t grow all her own food without any assistance then she has to get hep from somewhere. And are you saying this 80+ year old gets no help from her family? That seems very unlikely. This seems more like a poorly written story than an article. I will be unsubscribe for.

  49. Nancy says:

    I have (in the past) had assistance from “the system”. However, I found no offense to your article or this extraordinary woman you wrote about. I choose to be inspired rather than offended. I will always strive to honor and acknowledge another’s achievements regardless of where I am in this journey of life. Thank you for this beautiful and inspirational article. People, please consider exercising love and not be so critical…

  50. Andrea says:

    I’m a black woman and I don’t think what Ms. Keefe said was ugly at all and I don’t think she was being ugly or nasty or disrespectful to anyone. I get what she is saying. She’s just stating that this woman has lived her life the way she has for all these years and survived and that she’s content. Eventhough she mentioned social security and the system. It’s plenty of people who live just like her. She just doesn’t need probably nor want any help from anyone. People read things the wrong way. That’s whats wrong with this world now. You can’t say anything without someone inturping it wrong. I agree 100% with what Susan said and with what Sheetal states. She understands exactly what Susan has said. I might have misspell some words also. But who cares because you know what she was saying so I’m not proof reading either.

  51. Sunny says:

    The author was just stating facts that she is living without government subsidies. The author did not make any statement of judgement. You can tell by the clock the lady made that she has a big family that likely help her out when she needs it. This is how it used to work before government programs. It looks like the lady living off grid doesn’t need to spend much money the way she has chosen to live. Be careful about placing your own value system onto others as it will likely frustrate you when it doesn’t match.

  52. Nick says:

    Awesome story! I love watching shows where people are living off the grid and being self sustainable. It’s nice to be reading about these amazing people. They are a dying breed now days. Ignore the whiny people above. Love the story!

  53. nancy oliveria says:

    thank you very much for writing such a lovely article about that woman this is not about us or how we live our lives I have been on food stamps and I am off food stamps I have asked for help and I have gotten help it’s not about me it’s about the wonderful way this woman live her life and her spiritual belief thanks again God bless you and God bless that lady

  54. Faith says:

    If she does not have electricity, how does the clock operate. Batteries? How does she purchase batteries with no income. Also, I do not see the relevance of her not getting social security. I know I have paid money for SS all my working life. I intend on getting every dime back!

  55. Leilani Mayhone says:

    How is that nasty? I think his point was that she is completely independent. She took care of herself. No where did I ever here Jim put down on anyone who did use assistance. He stated facts. She is completely off grid, she doesn’t use or need our corrupt government or political system.

  56. Billpayor says:

    I really wish you had left her home as anonymous as possible. Even printing KY is too much info for government officials to stick their noses in!!

  57. Stella A says:

    Wow, the writer did meN it like that. You clearly have issues. No need to always assume the worst in people.

  58. Diane says:

    How does she buy stuff does she sell eggs or what ? Id does not collect any monies from any system ,An it’s wonderful she can do this , because being brought up like that she knows how great love it

  59. Sirk says:

    The truth can be ugly. If you need it use it. We unfortunately have too many people who consume our resources without contributing. You should feel offended by this fact as much as you are offended by her comment

  60. Annie says:

    The article mentions that she’s been living off the grid since 1960. I wonder what her life was before then? Perhaps she was raising a family and/or had a career? I’d love to know.

  61. Tammy Lawson says:

    Cindy if you truly understood southern folks you wouldn’t be offended or so touchy. She doesn’t take public assistance because of her pride….pride in her independence, confidence in her ability to care for herself, and pride in carrying forward the traditions and teachings of her father and other ancestors. Please don’t bash. Just try to understand.

  62. Noelle says:

    She could make enough money for her need by selling her homemade sosp or woodwork…

  63. Crystal says:

    Came to comments to write the same thing. Don’t publish without proof reading. And if someone says something in the comments, FOR GOD’S SAKE edit your article!!

  64. Kriss says:

    Most people who have chickens and sell eggs RECYCLE those egg containers from other people who don’t reuse them. So those cartons don’t mean the eggs are store bought.

  65. Dan Cimino says:

    An ascetic lifestyle isn’t for everyone, but it is what some people want.

  66. Mairi Scott Douglas says:

    Splendid woman! Proud and strong. A suggestion if I may…to all of you that want the author to proof read, please just read the story with your “heart”
    Cheers, peace and blessings to all

  67. Vicki says:

    I truly admire her way of life, simple, clean, and peaceful! Wish I had the guts to let go of my conveniences, and spend my time making soap and doing the things to live this way, instead of the wasted hours spent on the rat race!

  68. Kate Sheehan says:

    It’s easy to like this lady. How does the death of her brother affect her independence? Will she be okay?

  69. leapolt says:

    I love the whole concept, a woman living alone successfully…..off the Grid , dam impressive…..only a very tiny group could do it, I think 98% of the rest could not.
    We can all learn a lot from this amazing woman.

  70. Steve says:

    Certainly appreciate her simple life, faith and tenacity…

  71. Tara says:

    What a loser .This is not English class I understood it perfectly.People like you are so unpleasant to be around& the kind you dont want around..

  72. Annette Sirmans says:

    Being negative is a far worse problem with society.

  73. John Stewart says:

    people who are so bored that they need to correct others in the way they speak,, should eat a box of razor blades. but don’t forget to wash them down with a vat of battery acid.

  74. Matt says:

    Could have been a great article if the grammer and spelling wasn’t so terrible. Not sure if the author is smart or dumb, but she sure is making herself look stupid. Also, pointing out grammatical errors is not judgemental. Errors are either there or they aren’t.

  75. Shawn says:

    Interesting story. Looks, dresses the same as Amish. Is she Amish because she does the same things a lot of old order Amish do in my area.

  76. Mikey says:

    If you can’t proofread an article it undercuts you legitimacy. This article was an anecdotal story to begin with, but seriously, it sounds like you’re not smart enough to maintain a standard of writing.

  77. Deborah says:

    I want to know more! Where does she get her food? Does she have a garden, chickens, etc.?? I see several cartons of eggs in one photo – where did they come from? I’m so impressed, and also very curious. Hoping for a follow-up article!

  78. Rachel says:

    People please remember. There is such things as learning disabilities which makes people unable to spell perfectly. Also not everybody has had an opportunity at a fine education. Some people do the best they can. It is nice tho to have an absolute perfect human to point out others mistakes. I guess that’s why we have this perfect word we live in. <—- sarcasm for us imperfect people that didn’t get it

    Great story very interesting read

  79. Jeanie Watson says:

    I find this article refreshing and inspiring . I think all of you …ladies… arguing back and forth is childish . I truly admire this lady and wish I could live this way . I did when I was a child and truthfully, those were the best times .

  80. Sandra Hult says:

    Respectively to all of you. Hush. Enjoy the story, admire the intent, and pause. There is a lesson for all.

  81. Terry says:

    Not being a leach on society is something to be proud of. Those who live off the “system” are NOT truly self-sufficient. It is easy to determine by the comments those who are leaches on society.

  82. Sheri says:

    Wow. So negative. God bless her. Thanks for the article

  83. Anonymous says:

    I, too, enjoyed the article. Very interesting. However, the MULTIPLE typos and misspellings, as well as the incorrect words being inserted into sentences was distracting. At the very least, consider using spell check.

  84. Grace says:

    Nice story. Stupid comments. If one is offended, just move on.
    I feel embarrassed for the subject of the article, an amazing 88 yro who should be appreciated.

  85. Ann says:

    Wonderful and inspiring article thank you.

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