Creative Ways to Reuse and Recycle Old Chairs


If you have an old, broken or useless chair at home, do not rush to throw it. You can still use it as such or in pieces, by giving it another use than the “classical” one. A good solution for small chairs, like those of children, is to turn them into a rack shelving by hanging them on the wall .If you have a garden, you can give it a special look by transforming an old, interestingly shaped chair into a flower pot. You can paint or treat the chair with mordant, if deteriorated or doesn’t have the look desired. Another interesting idea would be to use a chair as a swing. If you have a chair with broken or uneven legs, remove the legs and use only the seat or the backrest.





by Kay Larch Studio


  • Jill Conner on said:

    OMG!!! So incredible ideas with old chairs! I think that this is the best way to recycle old furniture! I am so impressed! I will definitely renovate some of my old furniture!

  • Kay Larch on said:

    The peacock chair you listed here and on your Facebook page is my work. I am the artist. On your Facebook page, there are many comments from people who recognize my work, and telling you the name of the artist (me) and asking you to please add my name to the post, so that when others share it, my name will also be shared, and people will know who the artist is. I also messaged your Facebook page. Thanks so much! 🙂 Kay Larch

  • Charlene E Bowie on said:

    The chair is so beautiful! ABSOLUTELY gorgeous! I love peacocks! I wish I could paint something that beautiful! Your are so talented! Have a great day! ?

  • Debbie Statham on said:

    I am so in love with the peacock chair. How long did it take you to do this? How much paint? What kind of paint? How on earth did you come up with the pattern and get both sides to match so perfectly? It is absolutely amazing. Do you sell any of these?

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