Off Grid Tiny House Deep In The Woods of Northern California


This tiny house in the woods is dreamy and it takes only one look to notice this fact. It seems like the perfect gateway for a romantic weekend and a place where you can truly connect with nature. But most of all, it looks like the ideal place to relax and spend precious moments with your loved one. The house is situated in Northern California, hidden in the woods in a beautiful scenery. The whole structure came at a cost of only $1000 and it is run entirely on solar power so it is an environmentally conscious establishment. There is a large area where you can sit and do your daily activities and then transform it into a sleeping space. The structure was created out of the remains of an old ship and high quality wood and the large windows let the sunshine inside. The large window on the top of the tiny house offers a beautiful view and you can lay down and watch the stars at night together with your loved one.




Tiny-house-in-the-woods-3 Photos and build by Maximillian Godino via Tiny House Swoon

85 Responses to “Off Grid Tiny House Deep In The Woods of Northern California”

  1. paula says:

    Can you tell me more about it? About where is it located? Is it available for rent or purchase?

  2. Mark Howard says:

    How do I buy one?

  3. Doll Falkenberg says:

    I am seriously interested in either building something like this or purchasing one already built. Please contact me with more info.

    • terry says:

      I have a 2 story in big lake Alaska on 11 acres for 100 grand

    • grandmafufu says:

      You can also look into what is called a “Park Model Trailer”. They are 400 sq. ft. and come complete with all appliances, furniture, window treatments, etc. You can buy a really nice one for around $40 to 45, 000. It can be delivered and set up on your site. They come fully insulated with heat and central AC and meet all building codes. You can even get them in a “log cabin” style. We had one for 5 years and I wished we could have found a place in SC when we moved there to set it up. That is one of the more difficult things with these “tiny houses” because the zoning is so ridiculously strict. But that’s because they can’t tax you to death on them. They are taxed like a car and depreciate so Towns don’t like that.

  4. Ron says:

    What if Bigfoot shows up?

  5. Jerry says:

    You don’t buy them people, you build them.
    That’s the whole point that you seem to be

    • Greg says:

      Sadly people can’t figure that out!

    • Maggie says:

      The whole point is sustainability and a lifestyle that allows people to live instead of work constantly. If people don’t have the time or skills to build one, but are interested in buying, there are absolutely ways to do that. And no, they aren’t missing the point.

      • lorne says:

        Yes they are missing the point. Self sustainability, key word SELF

      • lorne says:

        Yes they are missing the point. Self sustainability, key word SELF

        • Gordon says:

          No. In today’s society money is self sustainability. So if someone who has traded their labor for money and then trades that money for the labor of someone to build this house, perhaps someone who is passionate about building this kind of house then, yes that is sustainable. In fact that is creating a new economy. So that person moves into the new tiny house and begins to live life with less stuff and less materail needs. They then get to spend their money perhaps in pursuit of their dreams or perhaps investing in others or charity.

          so please, reserve your judgements on what is and what is not self sustaining. For I would wager that someone who has the means tobpurchase one of these tiny homes probably has the ability just not the time.

          • Kimora says:

            Very well said!!!!! 🙂

          • mozz says:

            Exactly! Thank you! I don’t have the construction skills to do it myself, but why should that mean I can’t change the way I live and work? Presumably those who are arguing that the “whole point” is to build it yourself will also be skilled medics and won’t need my skills when they fall ill….

          • Linda Barr says:

            Thank you, Gordon. While this would be a dream home or getaway for me, the building of it would not. I would gladly pay someone to build it and let them fulfill their dream of making a living doing what they love or do best..

      • Vernon says:

        You are totally missing the point Maggie. If they don’t have the time or the skills to build something simple like this, they won’t have the skills to live in it sustainable y. Don’t buy… learn for one’s self

    • Misyrose says:

      So not true, my husband sells them!

    • Martha says:

      what if you are not handy?

  6. Alex says:

    “it is run entirely on solar power so it is an environmentally conscious establishment”

    Ugh! The smug ignorance of this sentence is grotesque, as it espouses a politically correct and fashionable, but truly ignorant sentiment. The production and manufacturing of solar panels, as well as the disposal of them has a very large environmental impact, much larger than the tenuous claims of damage done by CO2. It’s ironic that this is a concern when this cabin has a wood burning stove, which is an incredibly inefficient source of heat, belching out huge amounts of what many environmentalists now (foolishly) consider “pollutants” compared to the amount of energy produced and raw materials consumed.

    • Dave says:

      Completely agree with the point you are making Alex. It is a BS advert to the politically (socially) aware public that want to be “green”. Subtitle should be, please reply if you have a Prius (or however you spell it). However, aside from the PC pandering, this makes sense given that it is remote. Utilities are not there and getting them there would be expensive and have an impact. Solar here is the right option. What it powers is a great question…a night light? Ha. To be honest, I would rather just plop a tent down when the weather is good. Leave the taxes and all the f-ed up crap in California to those who believe in it.

      • T2green says:

        You can put it on wheels to avoid taxes. That is what I did.

        I love burning wood, the smell, the type of heat, recycling, and the fact Egore hates it. We use dead fall from our property.

        Solar is great if you chose your application carefully. We use solar in our hunting blinds for light(LED), charging phones, radio, and some TV. It is also utilized as a backup in our motor home.

        The best part about the Tiny House is the process, research, design, scavenging for used material, and construction.

        • Theresa says:

          I completely agree with you T2green! The best part is the journey itself. This little abode doesn’t look complicated at all.

    • Ryan says:

      You’re looking for a soapbox, but I don’t think you have any idea what you’re talking about.

    • Kevin says:

      Your an ***hole

    • nick says:

      I had a similar thought running through my head when i read that. but either way you have it there will be waste. the solar industry is planning towards recycling of pv panels. they understand the hypocritical mistake they would make in a green but not really green technology. it is possible and easily attainable in the near future. the same cannot be said about oil production. there will always be spills and unnatural amounts of co2 being converted into gaseous form (however clean coal is much less harmful, though complex). but would it not be beneficial to see the requirements of an energy rich lifestyle? the main problem is we are using too much! there is so much wasted energy, and plain overuse. wood burning is a tricky one. very renewable, but large amounts of co2 are released. fire is somewhat of a human instinct though, always has been always will be. i believe if used appropriately (when needed for warmth) its positives outweigh its negatives and it will not cause extreme pollution.

    • Mary Ann says:

      “Tenous” The evidence presented by 95% of scientists in the field is supposed to be considered “tenuous?? I don’t think you quite understand the meaning of the word. O.o

    • Mary Ann says:

      “Tenuous” The evidence presented by 95% of scientists in the field is supposed to be considered “tenuous?? I don’t think you quite understand the meaning of the word. O.o

    • Gary says:

      Your an idiot. Where do you get your facts, Fox News?

    • Matt says:

      Lol. Oh man. Keep talking. There’s so many things wrong with this paragraph, I just want to keep reading.

    • Nick says:

      @alex Exactly my thoughts

    • Heart says:

      Remember when building with solar meant aiming your windows/eves so they protect you from the summer sun & warm you in the winter? It was called “passive solar” then 😉

  7. ubi sheikh says:

    How would one buy something like this. Can one hire someone to build it for you and how much would that be?

  8. Bob doone says:

    Where can I get plans??? Ianna build one

  9. CJ says:

    A person could make a lot of money building these for people who wanted to buy them. Just saying.

    • pat says:

      I was thinking the same thing. id add a toilet like travel trailer toilet. I dont mind the outside bush thing but most people would. would make it more sellable[

  10. Jeff McKellar says:

    So is that “Ship Lap Siding” then…

  11. Jeff McKellar says:

    So that’s “Shiplap Siding” then…

  12. Ronin says:

    So that is a solar powered wood burning stove inside the cabin? It is using fossil fuels to heat it as it should. A rocket stove would be much better use of the wood burning tech but it is still not totally powered by solar fuel as is claimed in the headline. The lamps also appear to be oil burning lamps.

    • Pam says:

      I noticed that, too! What is “solar powered”??? LOL
      There’s no cooking facilities, lights, or anything!
      It’s cute, though!

    • Shane says:

      Where do you think wood gets its energy from? Photosynthesis…photovoltaic, plus its carbon neutral. And you don’t know what type of oil they are using for those lamps, could be something that isn’t petroleum based.

  13. Lindy says:

    The stove does not appear to be large enough to be wood burning. More than likely it burns pellets………….

  14. DJ says:

    People you can youtube this stuff…or look up plans on Google jeeeez

  15. Mommaanna says:

    I live near the woods in Nor Cal and I am wondering what they do for power when the sun does not come out? That happens A LOT, and, why are people worried about heating a tiny place like that with wood? Wood is a renewable resource – so I guess it is better to plug in that Prius because electricity just generates out of the universe from Unicorn droppings

  16. Curious says:

    Ok question can anyone have one of these built in any deep Wooden are to live off the grid? Aren’t there regulations that don’t let you build houses in woods? Don’t u still have to pay some sort of tax in the USA?

  17. Dave says:

    I think the issue for some folks is that they do not have the skills to build one, I am a male RN and certainly do not have the skills, and have developed arthritis. So think for a second all of you Home Depot Weekend Warriors.

  18. Melanie says:

    You can make your own pellets or logs from recycle paper to burn in a stove.

  19. Jon says:

    “… A place where you can really connect with nature.”

    No indoor plumbing….
    Just a shovel by the door (for those midnight urges….in the frost and snow).
    And the close indoor confines of seldomly washed people…

  20. Chris says:

    The solar panels must be for the laptop, smartphone, tablet, and all the other devices people can’t live without. Nothing in the cabin photos show you would need electricity for literally anything. Perhaps a refrigerator but there isn’t one there so they could have built this cabin for less than $500 without the costly solar panels. lol

  21. doubled215 says:

    Where is the crapper?

  22. John says:

    Great and all, but where do you poop?

  23. True says:

    LOL….this has given me great amount of ideas…ty for publishing your cabin in the woods. I particularly like how its settings. The outdoors combining with the indoors. But its kinda funny though how the lil LIBERALS added their comments…you definitely know if McDonalds or Wendys wasn’t near by that they would perish lmao….I have a cousin that lives in the Smokey Mountains you see their small cabin…absolutely eye catching as you cabin…keep on loving the outdoors and keep up showing ppl you live with the outdoors friend!!

  24. D says:

    To answer the question about regulations to build in the woods…. You can contact the US Department of Living in the Woods….. Just joking!! However, I think anyone considering living in something like this should seriously consider gaining some “backwoods” experience by camping for an extended period. Once you’re comfortable and have learned how to stay comfortable on 7 day “camping” trips, then you might consider living in the woods like this. From what I see, this little hut is basically what we call a “camp” .

  25. Andy says:

    There’s no way that costs $1k. Maybe if all the materials are stolen, or you don’t count trustfund money it’s only 1k. :screwy:

  26. Theresa says:

    I think they meant all of the windows are the “solar” power!!

  27. patricia says:

    what about the land?

  28. Jaidyn82 says:

    I seriously doubt with the amount of windows it has and the lack of covering for them that a wood burning heater would keep me warm at all during the colder weather. It might be alright if I was bundled up with a blanket in the middle of the floor cuddling the damn heater, but anywhere near the windows (like the bed) I would feel like an ice cube! And there’s a lot more window than wall it looks like. Vice-versa for summer, it would be pretty hard to keep the heat out when your little getaway place is trying to fry you like an ant being torched by a magnifying glass. I would have to find a better remedy for the more extreme weathers! Love the idea of this little place, would definitely make a few changes though!

    • mike says:

      We heat our 1500 square foot house with wood heat in Canada and it’s always very hot(with much bigger windows) and the wood is free other than a little chainsaw fuel..That stove would easily heat that little cabin..

  29. Snooky says:

    Cute camp, but no foundation. I don’t know about California, but in Maine this would have to be re-leveled every year because the ice shifts the ground. I love the idea of the tiny house, but I love hot and cold running water, heat and air conditioning, and my washer/dryer/dishwasher/refrigerator more. They must have a super long drive/hike? to the grocery store. Living “off the grid” seems so fun, but in reality life’s “chores” would be so much more time consuming and inconvenient. Great for a weekend with the spouse though.

  30. Winnie says:

    This looks great as a get away, you just need to get back to basics. Anyone who has ever camped can see how fun this getaway looks. Even a small stove will kick the heat to warm this little camp. Only problem I see, and it’s a big one unfortunately, is that you never put your heat source next to your exit. If you have a fire your exit is blocked.

  31. realistically says:

    Good thing it’s confined since there’s no insulation and they did not use full logs. They only made it look like a cabin. Is that plywood :-/ There’s a reason why you’d want small windows and whole logs. The fireplace will help some, but this looks like more of a summer get away. Needs a lot more thought and work before considering it anything more than a shack for a bad situation. Living cheap doesn’t have to mean living uncomfortable. Some okay design ideas but shelter is less about seeing outside and more about protection from weather. Believe me you will get plenty of the outdoors, or cabin fever. For $1k I would expect more. How many axes, saws, mallets & draw knives could $1k buy? Should have more for less.

  32. Kay says:

    Most folks have no clue what it means to be self sustainable or have the skills necessary to do so. This is a neat little weekend hang out that is fine for a day or two and has nothing to do with sustainable off the grid living. Anybody else notice that someone has mowed the grass recently. It would be interesting to see a wider view of what is around this little place.

  33. Cheri says:

    Wow! So many negative comments. I think it beautiful.
    It would be rewarding to be able to build your own home.
    I personally would have to get a little help from some friends.
    You all seem to be very knowledgeable about about energy options.
    So, if all off y’all have built a little home like this, in a beautiful place, why do you have time to bitch about how other people’s are in their little piece of paradise?

  34. Robert says:

    Where’s the toilet?

  35. Phntsticpeg says:

    Okay you say build it yourself but let’s be honest here. Not all of us are handy enough to do it.

    I’m a born and bred city girl. I cannot build that, by myself. I’m about as accomplished with building as getting an Ikea bookcase together…and that comes with pictures.

    Doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it or would like to one day live in one but assuming everyone can just go out and do this no problem is a bit unrealistic and discouraging.

    Now if someone has a boot camp where they come and work with you, show you how to do it, then I’m in.

  36. Keith says:

    How do I get one?

  37. Traci says:

    Some of these comments contain some good food for thought. For those – thank you.
    Other comments are mighty judgemental. That much judgement doesn’t seem to mesh well with a peaceful way of living.

  38. Shane says:

    Habitat for humanity is a good place to get the skills you need and help the community.

  39. Angelina Ruiz says:

    If people wanna buy or build this then neither of them are missing the point. The whole point is to get away from the stressful daily grind. and of course the daily grind of the homestead. I can totally relate. Work hard all day come home still got work to do there. Can’t hardly find time to take a piss all day let alone time build a cabin! and this one is perfect! NNot much to clean but yet still cozy!

  40. Phyllis says:

    Some people will argue about anything! What’s “right” for one person is not what’s “best for someone else! Dude needs to go live in the woods alone. Seriously!

  41. Eric says:

    Thank you Maggie and Gordon and others your wise and kind words.

    It amazes me how people that claim to “get it” can be so arrogant and condescending. Those are usually the one that have bad hearts. Why cant people be loving and caring when they have “arrived” to a new level of understanding and bring others along for the ride instead of being angry, mean and spiteful? Everyone is at different places in their lives. Im sure the individuals that are being mean, do you have the highest education in sustainability and all that comes with it. It’s just a conversation and information being shared. Why must some come to discredit and dominate over others with cruelty.

    Buy a house, build a house, be kind or kinder to the planet.

  42. Greg says:

    Invite him to dinner!

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