7 Tips For Keeping Backyard Chicken Eggs Safe To Eat


People are increasingly aware about the fact they should have more control over the food they consume. Or if not control at least some extra information on getting the healthiest of food. When having a business that involves any kind of animal, not just chickens, making sure the animal starring the show has a healthy environment to live in is kind of a prerequisite. Every person with a common sense knows that a healthy and happy hen will produce good eggs, so you might want to be sure their home (that means the coop) is a good environment is the first thing you do, before getting to more tips and tricks. When you’ve done that, this collection can help you a great deal. From obvious tips, like keeping the coop clean, to some not that popular advice, like washing eggs only if necessary and if it’s possible, only just before using. There are detailed explanations for each of these solutions, so make sure you eat through all of the text carefully. Moreover, these tips will save you from a lot of expenses with medications of the hens and ultimately giving you the best output for your money per bird. When you see the results – beautiful healthy eggs, safe to eat – you will thank us!

7 Tips: #1. Keep a clean coop. #2. Make an inviting place for your hens to lay. #3. Keep your hens inside for the morning hours until after they are done laying. #4. Gather eggs soon after they are laid. #5. Wash eggs only if necessary and only just before using, if possible. #6. Rotate your eggs. #7. If in doubt, float ‘em… Read more about every tip on OffGridNews…

5 Responses to “7 Tips For Keeping Backyard Chicken Eggs Safe To Eat”

  1. Susanne says:

    The chicken feeder chutes are a great idea. Then they won’t tip over and scatter their food all over the place like chickens are apt to do.

  2. Phyllis Cook says:

    I grew up eating eggs from our chickens in the backyard coop for 11 years. Everyday! Didn’t do anything special and never once got sick. We did collect them everyday to be sure but in a family of seven, two dozen eggs were rarely around more than a day and a half. 🙂

  3. Diane McCamey says:

    Please let me know where the white feeders can be purchased.

  4. Donna says:

    We built our own using pvc piping from a hardware store.

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