DIY Straw Bale Greenhouse


Building your own greenhouse is more easier than it sounds, especially if you already have a base you can transform. Take this next case, where an already built shed was turned into a green house, thanks to its great south facing position. The owner added a few raised beds to the structure and then created the structures for the plastic roof. This way the shed became sunny and the roof lets in plenty of sunlight so much needed for the growth of fruits and vegetables. The outside of the green house was surrounded with straw bales as these will do an amazing job at keeping moisture away. The total cost of the project was $300 as the shed was already built and has a size of 10 feet by 14 feet. Take a look at the entire photo gallery for some extra information and observe the details.







Read the whole story of this straw bale greenhouse, right here…

14 Responses to “DIY Straw Bale Greenhouse”

  1. Keith Behr says:

    “More easier” in the 1st sentence, wow

    • Pats says:

      Had a difficult time with that first sentence. Edit, rewrite, edit and at least let one other person read it before it goes online or into a public publication. Goodness!

    • Jeff says:

      Thanks for pointing that out, Keith. Makes this project so much easier to understand. You da Man!

  2. jillipen says:

    Sun hits the glass and sets fire to the straw?

  3. R Smith says:

    So is that it, untreated hay-bales left exposed to the elements? Surely the plastic roof sheeting should at the very least have covered it at the top, and a cob plaster mix on the outside? This is going to have a very short lifespan, and will provide excellent quarters for all sorts of animals and insects. A poorly planned and executed project, of the sort that is churned out purely so that you can have something to publish on your site.

  4. Pat Cassity Stambaugh says:

    i agree with Keith Behr. This should be corrected. Omit the word more.

  5. Barbara says:

    What a terrific idea. Straw gets wet and ferments causing it to combust and burn the whole thing down. That’s unless there’s a smoker around who flicks a cigarette near it … only a fool builds a foundation on a combustible …

    • Ron says:

      I seriously doubt that a single row of stacked bales of straw will develop the more than 140 degrees through fermentation to combust much less achieve an appropriate high level of moisture to start fermentation and then drop sufficiently to allow combustion while still maintaining fermentation. Not going happen. Now, the cigarette, that’s another issue. Or, an ember from a fireplace or wood stove, or a brush burn…

  6. Barbara says:

    What a terrific idea. Straw gets wet and ferments causing it to combust and burn the whole thing down. That’s unless there’s a smoker around who flicks a cigarette near it … In MY humble opinion, only one who isn’t thinking clearly, builds a foundation on a combustible …

  7. Cheryl says:

    Surely, there must be a nicer way to get the point across to the author of this article. … probably no need to ridicule the grammatical error and mockingly point out the flawed logic of a structure like this.

  8. Dee says:

    wow so many rude people, don’t hide behind your computers vomiting abuse on others, don’t you have anything better to do? it’s a good idea, straw needs to be piled up high before it will combust use something else, goodness what a load of horrid people online.

  9. Sheri says:

    I like the idea. You lot are kinda mean

  10. Terry says:

    I don’t really see what the harm is in allowing the hay to break down. This could be used as a jumpstart on your composting once the weather turns warmer. In that respect, it makes sense to see this as a one-season structure. As for the worry of fire, it seems to me that your snow and ice of winter would help with that. If not, wet the hay with some water.

    Have a bit of sense and think how this project is intended to work, even if you feel it may have some problems, and use that sense to fill in the blanks and offer suggestions or advice to the author. This muckraking is uncalled for and, frankly, makes those doing it look like assess.

  11. cg says:

    As a temporary large cold frame this makes sense- cost is less than $50. Works for a season, the straw shrinks over time. Good idea for a tenant who wants to start vegetables early. As to the Experts Wholiveinacity straw is stacked in barns worldwide. It’s humans who start fires and as a human you need to make suggestions kindly because we know you live in a glass house.

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