DIY Pallet Dog Bed


Make a Dog Bed Out of Pallet Wood. Dog beds can get pretty expensive and more and more owners are coming up with creative ways to make their own. While there are plenty of good ideas, one of the most common DIY dog beds is made from pallets! Check Out this DIY pallet dog bed. Don’t forget to Pin It!


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  • Debrah Bailey-Auger on said:

    Would it be possible to request plans for your Pallet Dog Beds to be sent to my e-mail. I’m a Rescuer and have a number of rescued pets ( dogs and cats) myself and would definately make some of these and put them to very good use. ( What a great idea and I have a constant source of wood pallets at my job as well…perfect !! ) Thankyou in advance. Debrah

  • Summer on said:

    Please send me directions and or price for these crates. I have two grate Danes that are very well trained but need a bed.

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