If you want to have a reliable power source in your home, you should build it yourself. This may sound like a complicated thing to do, but just wait until you find out more about this project. The idea is that you can create a great generator out of an old lawnmower. This generator will also save you in some unexpected situations, such as bad weather conditions when there is a high chance of power shortages.This lawnmower generator will keep you cell phone, laptop and other devices running so you won’t feel like being cut off from the world in case of an emergency situation. To learn more about how to build your own generator out of reused materials, watch the video and make sure you take notes or bookmark it for later.
“An old Briggs & Stratton 450 Series engine is removed from the mower deck, and a refurbished Lucas 17ACR dynamo coupled to it. This set up charges a motorcycle battery which in turn feeds a 500W inverter. In this video a TV, a power drill, a lamp, and a domestic fan are run as a demonstration.”