A heartwarming friendship between a bear cub and a chimpanzee has taken the Internet by storm and might won the prize for the most adorable animal photography in a long time.
The two furry friends can be found in the Gaziantep Zoo from Turkey and they became close after the rescued bear cub, Boncuk was transported there. Can, the chimpanzee became fond of Boncuk quickly and the pictures taken by the Zoo’s staff show the two friends having the time of their life together.
The Gaziantep Zoo is home to many other rescue animals, such as 10 parrots, 38 snakes, 10 flamingos, 40 peacocks, 28 pheasants, 15 reptiles, 15 ducks, and 2 iguanas. The poor bear cub was rescued after being transported illegally into the country, but thanks to the zookeepers it is now having the best conditions in the zoo. Not to mention that its friendship with Can, the chimpanzee will surely make it easier for Boncuk to find peace of mind and feel welcomed in this new environment.
Adorable images show Boncuk locked in an embrace with Chimpanzee Can. Others show the unlikely friends playing together
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