Chicken Orb

The Chicken Orb is the essential accessory for urban farmers, sustainable gardeners and permaculture enthusiast.

It gives the chickens the freedom to forage outside of the chickenyard and in the garden while giving the gardeners the more control over the when, where and how the foraging is done.

You pop a chicken in the Orb, secure the orb gate, escort the chicken to a suitable foraging area, and away they go.

The chicken moves the orb in its desired direction, foraging bugs and foliage. When foraging time is up, simply escort them back to the enclosure and release back into the coop.

Please note: For the safety and welfare of your Chickens, orbing is an activity that requires supervision. An orb is not a permanent enclosure, One chicken per orb. Chickens must have access to food, water and shelter at all times. Orbing must be done on even surfaces ONLY and is not recommended in extreme weather conditions. This is available in the link below…

Find it HERE…

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