Here’s an interesting fact about Finland: houses no longer that 128 square feet can be built without needing a permit for the process. Even though most of the people tend to get permits if they want to build a house, Robin Falck designed and built this tiny house in the woods in 2010. This project it’s a dream come true for him. Falck consulted some architects, and the whole project was almost ready in no more then two weeks. It was missing a window and a door, but these have arrived in a couple of weeks too. Falck, named the house Nido (meaning bird nest in Italian). Nido is 96 square feet and has a 50 square foot bedroom. The large amount of natural light comes in through the big window, which also offers a full sky-view at night. Situated on the shore of a lake, the surroundings of the house are astonishing. After building the house, Falck had to return to his military duties (which is his full-time job) and he had to wait a whole year before being able to go back to the house and enjoy living his dream. In case you were wondering how much did everything cost, Falck says the whole project was pretty affordable. By using mostly recycled materials, he says that he estimates a sum around $10.500, adding to this the person-hours. How does it look ? Can be perfect for a holiday home …
In 2010 I wanted to build a place of my own. I found this beautiful slot and I set out to design a compact get-away for myself. The idea was to stay under 9 square meters which allowed me to build without a permit. I also wanted to maximize this space, use local/recycled materials and build it myself. (Robin Falck)
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