Taking care for the environment proves to be much easier than thought about decades ago. A biodegradable coffee cup embedded with seeds that grow into trees may have sounded like science-fiction a few years back, but now it’s a reality! The idea comes from California-based company called Reduce. Reuse. Grow and its main designer Alex Henige. How can a cup of this thinness keep the seeds unaffected whilst the process of drinking coffee is also uninterrupted? The answer lies in the paper and the liner which absorb a lot of the heat of the coffee. Thus, the seeds are not affected directly and you can safely drink your favorite hot beverage. After you come to your senses from all the awesomeness this kind of product entails, check out how works what looks like a normal cup!
A coffee cup that has native seeds embedded within the material to be used for reforestation in your local communities.
Created by Reduce. Reuse. Grow.
“Recently, we got in contact with our first paper manufacturers in order to start testing our manufacturing processes as well as native seed testings. We have also been accepted into the CIE Accelerator Program at the HotHouse in downtown San Luis Obispo. Here we are launching our first round of compostable packaging products. Feel free to contact us with further questions!” Planttrash.com
It’s a neat idea, but it teaches littering and how are police supposed to know the difference?
Bad idea from an ecosystem standpoint. The example they show of CA as a homogenous, single region illustrates this well: at the crudest level, CA has six bioregions, but the authority on CA plants, the Jepson herbaria, recognizes 24, and even that completely ignores the differences between hyperlocal populations. It is *not* OK to randomly plant a species from one bioregion in another.
Yes it is. Birds do it all the time, as well as other plant eaters that poop out undigested seeds. Seeds also get stuck on clothing, blown through the air, there are many different ways for seeds to travel, so think more naturally and less pc.
How will this cup work for the a-holes that litter? Will rainwater be enough to soak the seeds and start it growing?
Are you serious? Are you actually being serious? Thats what you think is happening here? Littering?? OMG!