Amazing Finger Paintings on Wall by Judith Braun


Nature has given us the best tools to create a brighter tomorrow, but most people have lost this knowledge. Sometimes the most simple can be extremely complex! Judith Braun is not a designer or muralist, she is an great artist who uses charcoal and with the fingers she paint idyllic landscapes and lively, abstract patterns directly onto walls.



Braun says. “In all my other work too, I choose parameters within which to experiment, notice sameness and difference, and manifest surprises,” she says. “This is a philosophical, psychological, and even scientific approach I prefer, so that my drawings are the result of a process and practice that I initiate, rather than just being a contrived design that I execute.”



Each painting takes just two to five days to execute–she’s a fast fingerer–but requires many months of advance planning. “I consider my studio practice time a bit like musicians or dancers, who build up a physical memory,” she says. “Then, when I arrive at an actual gallery wall, I can let myself go with certain confident, though not precise, gestures.” Read more about her work here.


8 Responses to “Amazing Finger Paintings on Wall by Judith Braun”

  1. Alyssa Keim says:

    if she is using charcoal to make her art, it isn’t finger painting. It’s just art she makes with her hands. Art drawing would be more accurate. But it’s definitely not painting.

    • Sarah says:

      Let’s not give the writer any slack for mistakes, right? Perhaps Judith Braun calls them paintings. If you wouldn’t mind sitting down with her to argue out her personal term for her work, then it would be just as petty as telling someone that they are pronouncing their own name wrong.

    • Marie says:

      What is the matter with you ? Can’t you just let art be art ? We don’t care if it’s charcoal or paint on her fingers, the point is that it’s just beautiful

    • MsD says:

      It is at once … artistic licence and poetic licence. Ipso Facto: she can call it whatever she wants. 😉

  2. Marilyn Roberson says:

    Absolutely incredible — beautiful!

  3. Denise Dee says:

    Alyssa Keim if you read the article it says and I quote “she is an great artist who uses charcoal and with the fingers she paint idyllic landscapes and lively, abstract patterns directly onto walls.”

    I think her work is amazing.

  4. Paul says:

    I love that she can take the simplest of mediums- black on white- and from the depth of her mind and preparation display something of such subtlety and complex beauty.

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