Apple Door Stoppers


Doors are meant for limiting access to certain areas and drawing boundaries between spaces. But sometimes, a room might change its purpose and become more open than let’s say in another time of the day. That’s when door stoppers come in handy! From green soldiers or cartoon animals to fun ice cream or giant colorful diamond rings, there are lots of types of door stoppers you ca use in your home. According to what the decor looks like and how the interior design was thought of, you can implement all sorts of creative stoppers ideas, like a replica cast iron iris or a nautical sailor’s knot to match the other marine inspired decorations in the room. A definite good and playful idea to use in your home for stopping doors is the soft Apple stoppers. With 6 inches in diameter and made out of cotton these pieces of useful decoration will prove a perfect addition to the interior design of your residence. Shaped like a colorful apple with a cute polka-dot pattern they are highly suitable for any nursery or kid’s room. Costing as little as $20, you can improve the cuteness level of any décor in just a few moments. You can buy a bunch of these little stoppers and make an adorable apple theme out of them. If you don’t take our word for it, take a look at the pictures and convince yourselves.



One Response to “Apple Door Stoppers”

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