Archaeologists Discover 2,000-Year-Old Roman Glass Bowl in Perfect Condition

Just imagine holding a perfectly intact 2,000 years old glass bowl in your hands and being able to touch a piece of history. Archaeologists in Nijmegen, the Netherlands had this amazing opportunity recently, when they discovered a unique Roman glass bowl in perfect condition.

Nijmegen is the Netherlands’ oldest city and it used to be a Roman military camp, which means the area holds a lot of hidden treasures. Together with his team, Pepijn van de Geer excavated the medium-sized bowl which was most probably crafted in Germany or Italy.
The bowl has a beautiful blue color, thanks to the metal oxide used in its fabrication and a textured surface. On the site where the bowl was discovered, archaeologists found other household items as well, all dating back to the Roman Empire.

This is such an amazing discovery, as it rarely happens that archaeologists stumble upon intact pieces, unaffected by the passing of time, weather, and human activities.

A blue Roman glass bowl was uncovered in Nijmegen, Netherlands—an ancient city that used to be a Roman settlement. It is estimated to be about 2,000 years old.



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