Artist Creatively Turns Foliage Into Sleeping Bird

Creating art out of natural elements can be a real challenge, as the artist never knows how long its work will last. The Jardin of Plantes in Nantes, France is one of the largest parks of the city, which means plenty of space for artists to showcase their creations.

The garden also hosts 10,000 species and 5,000 flowers and now is also the home of large and quirky bird installations. The series is called Poussin Endormi, which translates as “sleeping chicks” and the works are topiary sculptures representing huge baby birds taking a nap in the garden.

The birds are the work of Claude Ponti, who is also a children’s book author, and they were designed using foliage, shrubs, and other materials, such as bamboo. The chicks have been planted in the garden in 2014 and have taken all the visitors by surprise, while also bringing a large smile to their faces.
Take a look at the installations below and let these giant topiary birds brighten your day with their funny looks.

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