Build A House With These Environment-Friendly Lego-Like Wood Bricks

Simple, economical and ecological houses. A system without nails, screws or glue, as an intuitive and logical game. The brick consists of 4 wooden elements, two lateral flanges and two transverse spacers (spacers), machined in “dovetail” which are assembled together, by interlocking, thus giving a mechanical rigidity to the assembly.
The Brikawood brick is intended to be used alone, without cladding, rain cover or vapor barrier, only a special check valve specific to Brikawood, simplifying as much as possible the implementation of any type of construction.

After 10 years of research and development, Brikawood wood brick has reached technological maturity.

Passive houses built of Brikawood wood bricks consume 90% less heating energy than an existing building. And 50% less than a newly built house according to the current thermal regulations (RT 2012). Whatever its construction and geographical location, a brikawood passive house, with all the modern comforts, does not need more than 15 kWh per m² per year (1.5 liters per m² per year d Oil equivalent) in heating.

more details HERE…


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