Archaeologists Find Remarkable Marble Statue of Greek God Hermes in Ancient Sewer
Bulgarian archaeologists conducting routine excavations made an extraordinary discovery in an ancient sewer system at Heraclea Sintica: a pristine marble statue of the Greek god Hermes. Believed to have been buried to protect it from overzealous Christianized Romans, the statue was ...

Two Meteor Showers Will Peak on the Same Night in the Same Region This Month
On the night of July 30, stargazers will be treated to a celestial double feature as two meteor showers peak simultaneously. The Delta Aquariids and the Alpha Capricornids will illuminate the sky, offering a spectacular show particularly visible from southern latitudes. During the ...

Ingenious Artist Uses Cutlery To Create Charming Bird Sculptures
When most of us look at silverware, we think about the next meal we’ll be eating, but not Matt Wilson. The South Carolina-based artist, also known as Airtight Artwork, bends and manipulates spoons, forks, and knives into works of art. While he sculpts various animals, some of ...

Sanctuary Lets People Go Glamping With Hundreds Of Cats
Denise and Thom Howard never imagined they’d one day be helping people go glamping with hundreds of cats. Originally, the plan was to help as many cats as possible. “We started as a home-based rescue in Jacksonville in 2016, just helping neighborhood cats,” Thom Howard told ...

Whole Pod of 77 Whales Die in ‘Biggest Mass Stranding in Decades’
A tragic incident unfolded on the shores of Orkney when a pod of 77 pilot whales stranded on Tresness Beach, leading to what is considered the largest mass stranding in Scotland in decades. The British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) found that 12 of the whales were still alive ...

Pick Up Litter and Get Free Stuff in Copenhagen This Summer Through Eco-Conscious Rewards Program
Copenhagen is setting a new benchmark for sustainable tourism with its innovative Eco-Conscious Rewards Program, designed to attract eco-minded visitors this summer. As the largest tourist season on record sees cities in Italy, France, and Spain grappling with overwhelming crowds ...

Tiny ‘Frog Saunas’ Help Endangered Amphibians Fight off Fungal Disease
Researchers in Australia have found that a form of sauna, a popular leisure activity for humans known for its health benefits, can help certain frog species combat the devastating fungal disease chytrid. Chytrid, which has infected over 500 species of frogs worldwide, thrives in cooler ...

4 Frugal Methods to Cool Down Without A/C This Summer
By exploiting physics and the cardinal elements, most people can cool their house down reliably without A/C, it just requires a bit of observation. For example, observe the path of the Sun throughout the day. Shielding from the Sun: Where are the rays falling during the hottest hours ...

Deforestation in Colombia Reached 23-Year Low in 2023
Deforestation in Colombia has reached a significant milestone, hitting a 23-year low in 2023. According to recent government figures, environmental destruction has decreased by 36%, marking a considerable achievement for one of the world’s most biodiverse countries. This environmental ...