Home Made Vitamin Water
If you aren’t a big fan of plain water or, simply, you want an extra dose of vitamins, then here is an ingenious solution. You can make your own vitamin water using herbs and fresh fruits. All you have to do is to add fruits instead of sugar for a natural sweetener for your water. ...

Creative Whatever Wall Clock
This quirky wall clock tells time like no other. You can celebrate what it means to be fashionably late with the Whatever wall clock. Jumbled numbers appear to fall off the dial but it doesn’t matter to you! On the other hand it is a perfect gift for those retirees, summer homes, ...

How to Make a Special Bottle Fence
Why not try something special in this summer? Make a creative and unique bottle fence .. drill a hole in the bottom of each bottle, then run rebar through the bottles. Can you imagine how stunning it would be when the sun goes through it? At least it is a inspiration model … ...

Amazing Log Pool Tables
These amazing pool tables are made using logs from Colorado and Wyoming. A very unique table handcrafted in the Roaring Fork Valley near Aspen, this billiard table is sure to capture attention in any rustic retreat. Each and every angle offers a different view of this wood’s ...

Impressive Flooring Pieces Inspired from “Reptiles”
Inspired from “Reptiles” one of the most impressive Escher arts, these flooring pieces have a lizards geometric design and was used to rehabilitation of a building on Calle Pio XII in Madrid. How does it look?

Walk in Closet Home Design
We have seen a lot of extravagant, sightly and stylish walk-in-closets, but almost all of them need a large space. Now, we have the solution for a small space to look stylish and to include all your clothes: a design that is based firstly on ergonomics and space saving. To create ...

Play Kitchen Made from TV Cabinet
A great recycling idea .. this play kitchen made from TV cabinet , is a fabulous DIY project that definitely worth re-sharing.

Mr. Always Mrs. Always Right Pillowcases
Mr right and Mrs always right pillowcases are perfect for any couple. Not only do they provide the truth but they look great too!

Works of Art Made from Reclaimed Household Objects
Sayaka Ganz is a Japanese artist who lives and works in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Japanese Shinto beliefs, about the fact that all organisms and objects have spirits, have marked Ganz’s childhood. She learned that objects thrown before the final of their usefulness “weep at ...