How to Clean Your Iron with Salt


Making sure your clothes look sharp and fresh, without any pesky wrinkles, is pretty important for many people. That’s maybe why their irons are overused. And it surely is a reason why they turn to specialized products (bought from the store) when it comes to cleaning home appliances. But there’s an easier solution for the hassle of pouring (probably) some toxic substance that could harm your skin and the air you breathe. And the answer comes from the kitchen. We’re talking about salt! Now, you could use salt in order to make appliances such as an iron almost like brand new. The rust simply vanishes after you leave the iron on a baking sheet filled with salt over the night. This way you aren’t in danger of intoxicating yourself. You save some decent money and your clothes can be fresh once again.

14 Things You Can Clean with Salt

5 Responses to “How to Clean Your Iron with Salt”

  1. Ginger Turner says:

    My Mother showed us when we were little girls about doing this. It works so good. We would use a brown paper bags and salt.

  2. huda says:

    the iron supposed to be turned on or off? Thank you

  3. Monika says:

    Definitely iron off

  4. Rabia says:

    Is the iron meant to be cool when placing it on the salt?

  5. sania khurram says:

    Iron should be hot or cool ,how can it works wth cool iron ???

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