A Facebook group matches RVs that are sitting idle with health care workers who need a place to isolate after long hospital shifts

The entire medical staff and hospital workers have been the real-life heroes of this pandemic, enduring never-ending shifts, isolation from their families, and putting themselves in danger every day.

For Mark Quale, from Burlington, North Carolina who works in the emergency room, going home to his family after a long day of exposing himself to threats was truly stressful. So he needed a space where he can isolate safely and recharge his batteries and found one thanks to an amazing Facebook group.
The group’s aim is to put in touch RV owners with healthcare workers, offering them a safe space for isolation in the midst of a pandemic.
The group is called RVs for MDs and aims to help workers who live with families, children, and even the elderly and want to avoid exposing vulnerable people to the disease.

Tim Webb drove 2.5 hours to temporarily donate his travel trailer to LaRayne Quale (right).


The Facebook group has already helped a lot of people and their community is continually growing, having reached as much as 3000 members. The one who came up with this idea is Emily Philips a mother of three from Celina, Texas, and the wife of Jason Philips, an ER doctor.
She first started asking her friends on Facebook if they know anyone who owns an RV van and can borrow it, so her husband can isolate safely.
Once she found the right RV, her next thought was to create a community and help others in need too.

Such an ingenious idea, which once replicated in other states and parts of the world, can avoid the transmission of COVID-19 and even save lives.


Dr. Jason Phillips (left) and Dr. Craig Reese Brockman with a donated camper that Brockman will use to prevent the risk of passing along the coronavirus to his family.

source: CNN

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