Designed by Taproot Architects and built by JADE Craftsman Builders this cozy tiny house is crafted with the highest quality materials, using best practices for energy efficiency, healthy building and resource efficiency. Available affixed to a trailer or secured to a permanent foundation this tiny structure is ideal for ultra-efficient green home, guest house, teenager’s rooom, vacation cabin, rental apartment, retreat center housing, home office, personal studio …
Interior photographs: jim carroll / michael foley
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Saw your designs on facebook, would love more information on your designs that would maybe include something for handicapped people, would be used when visiting our children, Thanks for any info , Judy
I’d like to know the price and if they are available in Idaho?! Definitely VERY interested!
how much would one of these cost?
Please tell me that you can ship or build these in Arizona and North Dakota???
“The interior is paneled, includes basic utilities, and is ready to receive flooring, cabinets and appliances. The base price is $46,000.” You guys are nuts!!! I could build my own complete for probably $5,000.
Yep, I check there site, the price is nuts, I’ve at a lot of these and they way over priced… Even with top of the line everything you could do it for $15,000
It’s laughable to see a $5k trailer, at least $6k of framing, flooring, siding, and roofing… And neglect insulation, screws/bolts/fastener, wiring/electrical boxes/hook ups, lighting fixtures, heating and cooling, and plumbing fixtures/pvc/venting/RV-sewage hookups, and oh yeah, whatever type of water heater/storage/pump and think the bare materials will cost you anything less than 10k, realistically 15-17k for a 20-24ft home, and then there is labor.
46000 +4000 than if the zoning board lets you , many do not….better-off with a very nice motor-home with all the bells and wisells.
This is really funny….$1000 per square foot. My gosh if you can’t build your own….buy an RV. That is what I did. I love my Tiny RV Living. I will still build a tiny home, for my grandchildren to play in….but these prices are a crime!!