Creating Your Off-Grid Homestead: Practical Advice

Are you thinking about going off the grid? Congratulations!!! It will be the adventure of your life! Creating Your Off-Grid Homestead is a book writed by Teri Page, a wife who decited to live off the grid with her husband and their two young children. She decited to write this book to help you start your own off-grid homesteading journey. In it you’ll learn:


How much it has cost to build an off-grid homestead
The solar electric system that they use, and how it works for his family
How they catch water for drinking, cooking, and growing food
How they store and prepare food in our outdoor kitchen and with creative cooking methods
How they bathe, do laundry, use the internet, and go to the bathroom with solar electricity and no running water
And much more!

You will be guided with dozens of questions for thought, so you can apply the information in this book to your own unique situation. Creating Your Off-Grid Homestead will provide you with the support and inspiration you need to make your dreams come true.

Way Go Off-Grid?
Living off-grid is an adventure in self sufficiency and self-reliance. While most people agree that “off-grid” refers to disconnecting to utilities, most notably electric, there are a wide of variety of reason WHY people go off grid. For some, living off-grid is a way to minimize our eco-footprint, while others just like the idea of having fewer monthly bills. Some embrace an off-grid lifestyle to prepare for natural or human-made disasters, while for others, going off-grid is a socio-political act.

Learn more about creating your off grid homestead HERE…

5 Responses to “Creating Your Off-Grid Homestead: Practical Advice”

  1. Michael Richard Weekes says:

    I have a 400 s f off grid home under construction in South Carolina is like to discuss with the author.

  2. Mirandia H. says:

    How to get copy of Creating Your Off The Grid
    Homestead: Practical Advice not digital copy but
    Paper copy book! Please reply! Thank you!

  3. Dudley Achu Sama says:

    Good initiative.

  4. Derrick Gibson says:

    Does this book contain resources for finding materials to build houses?

  5. Suzanne Crawford says:

    I would also like a paperback book. Are there any a available ?

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