Crochet a Flower With Pull Tabs


If you love arts and crafts then you’re going to definitely love this next idea. This is a crochet pattern which uses pull tabs and will teach you to crochet a flower. It is also a nice way to get to know the area of recycled crafts. You can use this flower to make various ornaments, gifts or even incorporate this idea into a larger crafts project. You will need: 6 pull tabs, crochet thread (you can use several colors), scissors, lighter, wire cutters and a no. 3 crochet needle. Here’s what you have to do.

First of all you have to prepare the tabs you will use. If you want your flower to look nice, you will need to choose tabs that are in a good shape, wash them clean and use the wire cutters to remove the sharp edges from the tab. After this you can begin to crochet. Start from the center of the flower, using a single stitch to cover the outside, and repeat this until you join all the 6 tabs in a line. Then make a circle by pulling the lines and crocheting them together. The space in the middle should be filled with single stitches so it forms the center of your flower. Cut the thread and leave a small end and burn it at the end to prevent the thread falling apart. Then use a double stitch to cover the outer space of the tab (you can do this by adding a second color, to make sure your flower does stand out). We made 22 stitches per tab. Repeat this step on each of the tabs and connect them at the end. Now you have your petals. At the end finish the flower by pulling together the first tab with the last one. Burn off again the end of the threads and then you can enjoy your own hand-crocheted flower.

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2 Responses to “Crochet a Flower With Pull Tabs”

  1. extra says:

    Thanks for another fantastic article. The site altogether different may everyone wardrobe kind of information and facts in such a best manner of publishing? I own a powerpoint presentation a few weeks, using this program . around the find this kind of data.

  2. krissy says:

    This needs a video of how to do this and also needs more of a step by step instructions for people who DO NOT know how to crochet. Thank you

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